love and confessions and stuff

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You entered the school gates and almost walked straight into Mikoto. She greeted you and you decided to walk to class together.
"Where's Saiki?" she asked.
"He's on his way, I'm sure. Just went ahead today."
"That's dangerous, dude."
"Well I don't need him to protect me all the time."
"Sheesh, bad day?"
"As long as the earrings are missing, it's impossible to have a good one."

As you talked in the hallways waiting for the bell to signal the beginning of school, you were approached by a strange boy. He held a letter in his hand.
"Can I help you?" You asked, turning your head up to look at the boy. He didn't speak. Instead he handed you the letter and sped off.
"Hey, wait!" You called for him but he was already out of sight.
"God. People at this school are so weird." You muttered.

You opened up the envelope and pulled out the letter inside as your psychic friend looked over your shoulder. With the letter fell a pink origami crane. The letter read:
'To the most beautiful girl I've ever had the privilege to see,
You're as intricate and beautiful as this crane. Your presence astounds me. May I spend the rest of this day with you?
If you accept, meet me at the lockers after school has ended. I hope to see you there, beautiful crane.'

The both of you stood still for a bit, your hand holding the letter and hers holding the crane.
"It couldn't hurt, right?" you turned to her and she shrugged.
Wrong. you and Mikoto
"Jesus Saiki. One day you'll sneak up on the wrong people and hope you had just walked over normally." Mikoto answered.

"What's wrong with him?" You asked.
"Nothing. I just recommend waiting until you find your earrings." the psychic answered.
"Well, one date couldn't hurt." Plus, I'll finally be able to move on from the boy who has no interest in me.
Good grief.

I Hate Ultimatums ( Saiki K x Fem! Reader )Where stories live. Discover now