psychic kids assemble!

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"Psychic kids, assemble!" Toritsuka yelled in excitement, while Mikoto threw her arm in the air.
"Saiki wanted to see me!" She added.
Stop calling us that. And I wanted to see both of you. We have a problem. Mikoto and Toritsuka

He had explained the situation to them while formulating a plan. He walked the two psychics to his classroom door where inside you sat, eating and laughing with Teruhashi, Mera and Yumehara.
"You're right. I can't sense her aura at all." Mikoto observed.
"Well, I can see her guardian spirit. Probably because they're not a part of her like her aura." The purple haired one added.
Is it possible that she's wearing something that's preventing us from using our powers? Saiki questioned more to himself than to the other two.


"I like your earrings!" Teruhashi's voice rung out from the crowd.
People love compliments from me. She's probably all like "Wow! The most beautiful girl gave me a compliment! I'm so happy!" in her mind. (Teruhashi)
"Thank you!" you responded with a smile. Wow! The most beautiful girl gave me a compliment! I'm so happy!

"They were from my grandmother!" you continued. "She was very superstitious. She told my mother it would protect me against evil forces or something", you explained, pushing your hair behind your ear to reveal one of the earrings; a small, green stone encased in a metal raindrop border that dangled from your lobes.

"Her grandmother must be the old woman I saw as her guardian spirit. I doubt she remembers her granddaughter but it's sweet anyway." Toritsuka explained.

It must be the stone that's in the metal. It looks rare. Maybe I can use Apport (the ability to exchange items from anywhere with something of equal value or within a 10% difference) to replace her earrings with a similar pair, take out the stone and replace it with a fake and use Apport to put it back. Mikoto and Toritsuka

"I don't know Saiki. That would be pretty mean." Mikoto was reluctant and Saiki could tell Toritsuka was as well.
"Yeah, they're of sentiment to her. It would be wrong." Toritsuka added.
Either way, the plan didn't work. The earrings wouldn't switch with anything. It was either that the earrings were valued too high or they were also protected as you were.
Good grief. What now?

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