father knows best

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Because I don't know the answer. you
The simple line had you shut you up immediately.

He walked you home in complete silence. Neither of you saw the point in teleporting home when you lived only a few minutes away. Plus, you liked the short walks alongside him.

There was an unbelievable amount of tension.
Because I don't know the answer.
Because I don't know the answer.
Because I don't know the answer.
Good grief.
Your mind went to other things so you could focus on something else. Like when the two of you stayed in his room, talking for hours about his powers.

"Saiki. You said that the gas leak wasn't from me or my mum. Do you think my father could've hired someone to do that?"
He hadn't thought of that. He teleported you two to your stove, taking his layer of thin gloves off. He touched the surface, went back to the stoves manufacturing date all the way to the day of the event.

Your dad didn't hire someone to do that. you
Oh, thank god.
He did it himself. you
A slight heaviness took form in your chest. You were devastated and Saiki was enraged. How could a man do that to his own daughter?
He disappeared.
"Saiki? Ku? Where'd you go??" Ugh, that boy!

You waited, stressing about your friend's safety.
I know he's a psychic and all but as long as that ring exists, he can get into trouble.
Ku, if you can hear me, please tell me where you are.
I can. I'm currently at your dad's hotel. I'll be with you in a sec. you
Father's hotel? Ku, what? Why?? Get out of there right now.
Don't worry about me. you


Your dad came clean a few days after to you and your mother. He apologised profusely with tears in his eyes, preaching that God had given him visions of them together and he had been drowned with guilt and horrible nightmares. He explained that he had already sold the earrings but the guys he hired to steal them had taken most of the money. He gave every last cent he made from them to your mother and she was able to pay off the house debt.


"This doesn't help at all! I don't want money, I want grandmother's earrings back." you complained to Ku, pacing back and forth in his room as you did when you were stressed.
"Now you have to continue watching me for even longer! I'm so sorry, Ku. And thank you. I reckoned you had something to do with the whole apologising thing."

I Hate Ultimatums ( Saiki K x Fem! Reader )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt