i hate ultimatums

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He found himself facing two doors. One to the interrogation room and the other to the room that looked into the interrogation room. Saiki had to make the decision to either capture your captor first or run to your rescue.

The door to your left bust open, the guard was thrown against the wall.
"Finally!" Your grand aunt's eyes sparkled in excitement as a man triple your size got easily flung to the other side of the room without you moving a muscle.

That wasn't her.
Saiki's voice rang in her head, causing her to turn around and drop back in fear. She was greeted with the terrifying and piercing eyes of your psychic friend, looking down at her in pure hatred. She had never felt such overwhelming power radiate from someone before. It made her tremble.

Saiki had first entered the interrogation room but upon seeing your drenched hair and teary eyes, he was able to quickly conclude what had happened, going immediately to punish whoever had hurt you. You had never seen this much rage from the neutral boy you came to know. You could feel his anger through your body and overtaking the building. It felt like the air had tightened around the room and an invisible force clung onto your skin.

The next few seconds felt extremely fast. You had blinked once and you were being carried out by Saiki from the place you had been kept. Your health was restored back a day where your throat no longer hurt from screaming, your mouth was no longer parched from being gagged by the dry cloth and you had no feelings associated with the waterboarding you had experienced.
If you didn't want my mouth to be dry, you should've just kissed me. You joked to yourself, completely forgetting he could hear you.

Good grief.

He had teleported you outside from underneath a beautiful mansion overhung with plants. As he walked away, you witnessed its downfall. The walls went first, crumbling down vertically and losing their structure as the dust clouded around its ruins. Then came the floors, falling one on top of the other and pancaked to the very bottom with a loud thud, shaking and rumbling the ground. You watched as the birds fled away in a desperate attempt to escape the sound of danger. Within a few seconds, the once tall and proud building had become nothing but rubble and dust, a mere fragment of what had been.

As it all unfolded, Saiki was struck with an irritating ultimatum. On one hand, he could take you to the garage that held the limo with your earrings. This would mean having all his abilities no longer work on you. No longer would he be able to read your silly and impulsive thoughts, your frantic mind ramblings and your attempts at flirting. However, it would mean that you were no longer at danger from death. On the other hand, he could forget about it and spend his time protecting you in exchange for being able to use his powers on you.

I hate ultimatums.

I Hate Ultimatums ( Saiki K x Fem! Reader )Where stories live. Discover now