so it's a date

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This was the worst idea in human history. Yes, just walk blindly down the streets of a place you just moved to in hopes of reaching a guy that you're not even sure why you're chasing. Silly girl. Silly, silly, stupid girl. You had just wanted to talk to Saiki more, see him again, thank him for saving your ass. And for what? You don't even know him. He doesn't even know you. He doesn't look like he likes anyone, what makes you think he'd be interested in you?

Saiki listened to your frantic ramblings. He had nothing to say. You were absolutely right. Why chase him when you didn't even know where he lived?
Good grief. There are so many factors she didn't take into consideration like maybe I already entered my house. Or maybe I walked to the left and then did a U turn and went back the other way. She's just acting on impulse and following her emotions. He didn't know if it was dumb or admirable. As a psychic, he never had the privilege to act on his emotions but even if he did, he wouldn't, considering it was stupid.

Surprisingly, you had found your way to his house and were pretty close already.
Just kidding. It was me. I sent her messages in her brain to turn at certain corners. Then he teleported a few metres away from his house.

"Saiki!" The boy continued walking as you sped up to match his pace.
"I forgot to ask. Why are you skipping school?" you inquired once you had caught up.
Sick. you
Oh. Of course. Did I really come all the way here just to ask him that? I don't know. I'm struggling to understand my emotions.
"Is there a way I can maybe repay you? I feel bad that you helped me despite being sick. Maybe we can go get some food together? It'll be my treat. Whatever you want."
Saiki's mind drifted to coffee jelly and sweets at his favourite café down the street. He paused, thought for a second and nodded. You smiled.
A simple nod. As expected.


The way his face lit up as his mouth closed around the jelly delight, the happiness in his eyes and the flush of pink on his cheeks. It made your heart beat loud enough to hear in your ears. Your cheeks flushed along with his.
Oh my god. He's so cute. If treating him to coffee jelly meant I could see him this happy, I'd spend every last cent.
Good grief.

Just when you both thought things were finally looking up, your mum called and informed you of the worst news you had heard in awhile.
"Lost??" Your heart dropped. Saiki's heart dropped. This meant more babysitting until you found the earrings again. The heavens really weren't on either of your sides.

I Hate Ultimatums ( Saiki K x Fem! Reader )Where stories live. Discover now