start of something good

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5 months later

It was the start of spring. What snow we did have had melted off. I stood on a step stool working on my truck that was in the drive way. I heard honking come up my drive. Here came Ryan in his pick up. He was dragging a trailer behind him with a truck on the trailer.

"Hey baby." He came over to the step stool and grabbed me off of it and spinning me around. He put me down and I kissed him. We had such a great relationship. Some times he would stay at my house. And other time I would stay at his house. We had grown a lot.

"What with the truck?" I asked pointing at the old square body Ford on the trailer.

"This my darling is our new project!"

"Project?" I asked leaning on my truck.

"Mhhmmm. We're going to fix it up."

"The two of us?"

"Yes ma-ma."

"Lets do it."

1 month later

We were one month in to our project. It was going well. We both were leaning to look inside. I got a little bit of oil on my finger. Instead of wiping it on a rag I wiped it on Ryan's face. I laughed a little.

"You really want to go there?" He said raising his eye brow at me. I saw him wipe his hand on a part that had a lot of oil on it. I jumped off the step stool and started to run. He was right behind me. We ran around a bit before he caught me.

"No Ryan!" I said laughing trying to keep his hand away.

"You started this baby girl." He said as he wiped his hand all over my face. He let me go after.

"Yuck Ryan. Let's go clean up." I said grabbing his hand and taking him up stairs to my bathroom. I grabbed a wash rag and wiped my face off. I turned around and did his. "There all better." I said throwing the rag in the dirty clothes.

He leaned down and kissed me. I took my arms and put them around his neck. My fingers playing with his hair. The kiss started getting heated. He lifted my up on the counter. I wrapped my legs around his hips.
I tugged at his shirt to come off. He broke the kiss and took it off. Then started kissing again. He grabbed me off the counter and took me over to the bed and place me gently on it.

"Are you sure?" He asked. Asking if I wanted to go all the way. I nodded yes.

I woke in the morning sore. My blanket were covering me. I felt so happy. It been a while since I felt this happy. I threw on one of Ryan's t-shirts and some sweat pants. I went down stairs to find Ryan cooking. His back was facing me. I went and wrapped my arms around him.


"Morning baby." He turned around and wrapped me in a hug.

"You look so good in my shirt."

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