Rice vs Upchurch part 2

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"I don't care if he's your beat friend I don't want him stay on this bus with you!" He's face was red and steam was coming out of his ears.

"Did you really just say that?"

"You heard me." I let out a humorless chuckle.

"I'm sorry I don't think I asked for your permission." I said going back to making the bed.

"You didn't but if he stays." He trailed off.

"He's my beat friend Ryan. And if you think I would cheat on you with him you clearly don't know me." I said shortly with my lips curled up with a snarl like Brantley tought me.

"I'm not worried about you I'm worried about him!" His hand keeped running through his hair.

"Get out." He's mouth opened with shock. "I won't have somebody that don't trust me."

"Fine!" He went out the door and threw it close rattling the trailer. I took a couple deep breaths trying to calm down. Tear slipped through my eyes. I wiped at them. The door opened and a set of arms pulled me into a hug.

"What happened?" Chase asked me.

Chase's prov

I came into Madison's trailer to see her standing up, eyes together, and tears streaming down her face. She tried to wipe them away. I went and pulled her in a hug asking her what had happened. She blabered on about how Ryan didn't trust her. And told her she couldn't have me stay. I rubbed her back trying get her to calm down.

"I don't want him to be another Adam." Her tiny voice came. With that my heart broke for her. I was one of the few people that knew about Adam.

"Ooo Honey." I pulled her down so that we sat on the bed. I rubbed circles on her back hoping to get her to calm down. Pretty soon she was asleep on my shoulder. I picked her up and took her to her bed. I slipped her shoes off and layed her down. I shut the lights out as I went. I slipped my hat on putting it backwards. No body messed with her. It was ugly when somebody did. Most people didn't want to have 4 big angry fellas coming at you. I closed the trailer door quietly.

I walked over to where Ryan had his trailer. I knocked on the door very loudly. A grumpy Ryan came to the door. I grabbed his collor of his shirt and pulled him down the stairs. I shoved him against the wall. Hard.

"What the hell man?!" He yelled at me.

"I should be asking you that. Why would you not trust Madison? Huh? Madison is most loyal person I know. She followed me into hell and pulled me out if it. She's always had my back. So let's make this clear, if she calls me crying about something you did or said, you won't have just me on your ass you'll have me and 3 other on it. Am I clear?" He nodded his head. "I ain't afraid of going back to jail." I let him go and made my way back to the trailer.

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