baby boy

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"Ryan!" I screamed. Ryan came running into the room. He stopped when he saw me standing in a puddle. "Ryan he's coming!"

"What?" He asked shocked.

"He can't be! He isn't due till two more weeks."

"I know." I hunched over in pain. "We got to go to the hospital." Ryan came over and led me to the front door. I slipped on some shoes on my feet as he threw on some boots. Ryan helped me into the truck. I was glad we had put the car seat in the truck early. He raced around the truck as I put my seatbelt on. He made it to the end of the driveway before I rembered.

"We forgot the bags." He turned around. He threw the truck in park. He raced in the house. I grabbed the handle as another contrastion hit. He come back with the bags. He threw them in and slammed the door close before getting in again and racing off.

As he drove I grabbed my phone and went to my text message that was labeled family group chat. It had my mom, Jason, Britt, Lin, Luke, Amber, BG, Chase, Patty, Austin, and Ryan. I wrote them a text to let them know what was going on and that we were going to the hospital.

Once at the hospital they put me in a wheel chair and pushed me towards and room. Ryan followed behind me with the bags. We got to the room. Ryan put the bags in a corner. As I put on a ugly hospital gowned. He helped me on the bed as the doctor came in.

"Well Mrs. Upchurch you have come far. How long ago did the water break?"

"A half and hour ago. Doc he isn't supposed to come for another two weeks." Ryan said.

"It very normal. Nothing is wrong with it. He is fully developed so there is no need to worry." That was a huge relief. "I'll be back in a bit."

"I'm so glad that it is normal." I said.

"Me too. Looks like we're going to meet him a little sooner then we thought." I pulled Ryan in for a kiss.

Our phones keeped chimming. Everybody was wishing is us luck and to send pictures of Cash. Both mom's were on the way. As well as Britt and Jason. Ryan had pulled a chair up by my bed. He held my hand and was rubbing circle on it and telling me it was ok. Soon the doctor came back around.

"Well Mrs. Upchurch you are fully dilated. I'm going to go get a nurse and were going to have a baby!" I nodded my head at him. He came back with an older nurse. That made me feel a lot better.

"Ok Ryan stay by her head." They set me up in the position they wanted me in. "Ok Madison when you feel the needed to push then push."

"Ok." I grabbed Ryan's hand and started to push. An half an hour went by and I was tired. Sweat was pouring off of me. Tears were streaming down my face.

"Your going great Madison the baby is crowning." I keeped pushing. The sound of crying was heard in the room. "One final  push." I put my all into the push. "Dad cut the cord?" Ryan went down and did it and took pictured of him. The nurse brought him over to me and layed him on my chest. Ryan snapped more pictures. He came back over to me.

"Way to go Maddie. It's our min us." Ryan said as he kissed me. I laughed as tears ran down my face.

"Can we get a name?"

¹ "Cash Jason Upchurch."

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