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I grabbed my suitcase and threw in some clothes. Ryan layed stretched out on my bed his head propped up on his hand looking at me as I did this. "So why are you going to him shouldn't he being come to you?"

"Yes he should be but I have to fix this. We both said somethings and the longer we wait the more mad we get."

"Does he know?"

"No but Britt does." I zipped up my suitcase setting it on the ground.

"I going to miss you ." He said standing up and wrapping me in a hug.

"I'm not going to be gone that long. Just 3 day. Then I'll be at the next arena ready to sing with you." I said peaking his lips. I started to walk away. 

"For being gone for 3 days that not a real kiss." He pouted. I walked back over slamming my lips to his.  "That's better." He said as I rolled my eyes.

I sat on the plane listening to my music. I watched the scenery change from the city of St. Louis to Florida. I stepped off the plane as I pushed my sunglasses down and threw my hair in a ball cap hoping I wouldn't get recognized. I went to rent  a car or truck. I walked up to the front desk. "Hi I need to rent a car."

"Ok a name?"

"Madison Aldean."

"Aww Miss. Aldean your sister already got you one. Follow me please." I nodded and followed her. It was silent as I followed.  "That's yours." She pointed to a huge jacked up truck. It looked almost like a monster truck just a couple inches off. I groaned how in the hell was I going to get up there? I thanked her as she walked off.

I had gotten up into the truck after a lot of work. On the  wheel was a note. "Thought you could use this if your too mad! See ya soon! B." I could hear her laughing. She was going to get it. I started it and got going.

I pulled up to there beach house. I slide out of the truck. I would come get my suitcase later. I went to the door and knocked on it. Britt answered it. "Ekkk!" She squealed pulling me into a hug.

"It's been too long since I've seen you!"

"We both been so busy." I heard little feet running on the hard wood. Before I knew it the two of them were wrapped around my legs.

"Aunty Madison!" Memphis said as he clinged to my leg as Navy was on the other  leg. I leaned down and scooped them up and hugged them.

"Memp! How are you baby?"

"I'm good."

"And how's Navy?"


"Well that's good kiddos! Now where's your daddy?" 

"Is he in trouble?"

"Yes he is." Both their eyes went wide.

"He's in the  bowling alley." Britt said taking the kids from me. I nodded and made may way to it. As soon as I had found it I walked in. Jason sat in his chair staring at me.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. 

"Come on we need to talk."

"Can't we talk here?" I could tell he had been drinking a bit.

"Not if you want your kids to see their daddy getting yelled at." I turned my head to see the kids. They saw me looking at em and took off running.
We made our way to the beach. The sun was shining warming me up.

"I'm sorry." Jason said. My eye brows shot up. I was not expecting that. "I was wrong to judge your judgement. I just don't want you to get hurt." He finished as we sat on a rock together.

"I know but you got to trust me."

"I do trust you. It's him I don't trust."

"But he hasn't gave me any reason not to trust him not yet at least." I shugged at him. I looked out on the ocean. It was clear blue. "But Jason. I won't have you making me choose. No either me or him bullshit. I won't be making any one go through that. So your just going to have to try and like him or at least be civil with him. Ok?"

"Alright sis. I won't." He said throwing his arm around me. "Love ya little sis."

"Love you too big bro."

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