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My alarm clock demanded that I wake up. I slammed the button down. I slowly got up and stretched. I threw on my running clothes. I also  threw my play list on shuffle and took off running. I didn't really like to run. But I like to stay in shape. I was proud of my body and want to keep it like that. After running for a while I went into the arena that we would be performing in later today. I climbed the stairs. Running up and down them. I had been running and doing this for two hours. I wipped the sweat off as I made my way back to my bus. I got to my almost to my bus when somebody called my name. I turned around. To see Ryan walked towards  me.
"Hey Madison."


"I just thought I would tell you I would pick you up around 4. So that we can get back to the show."

"Ok. I promise that I won't look like this!" I said laughing.

"You could I would still like you." I felt my cheeks get red.

"Ooo um before I forget  I memorized fighter. So I thought we could do it tonight."

"Ok that sounds good."

"Ok see ya later." He stuffed his hands in his jacket and walked away. I let myself into my bus. I took a shower so that I didn't have to do it later. I threw on my sweats  and started towards sound check.

" So our song with Ryan tonight will be fighter. So we will go on after him." We finished up. Ryan came a little bit later.  We did the song. We fixing it a little bit as we went.

"Sounds good Madison. See ya later." He said waving as he left.

" Why are you seeing him later?" Keith asked as we walked towards the busses.

"Promise not to tell?"

"I promise." He said crossing his heart.

"I have a date with Ryan." Keith's mouth dropped.

"You have a date?" I nodded my head yes.

"Well I'm happy for ya. Glad to see you getting back out there. Since..." He stopped.

"Me too." We got to the busses.

I ran my fingers throw my hair trying to get the curls just right. I hair spray it when I was happy. I grabbed my clothes and changed in to it. I had on dark washed jeans. My shirt was a blue shirt with  3 quarter sleeves. I sprayed a bit of my favorite perfume on my shirt. I found my boot that I wanted and put them on. I had just finished putting them on when a knock came on the door. I grabbed my wallet, phone, and keys. I went to the door and opened it. Ryan stood there. He had his hat on with a gray shirt and jeans. He held some flowers.

"Wow Madison, you look beautiful."

"Thanks you look good too."

"These are for you." He handed them to me.

"Sunflowers are my favorite! How did you know?" I asked as I waved him on to the bus.

"I might have asked Keith." He blushed a little.

"That was sweet." I grabed a glass filled it with water and out the flowers in it. I then put it on the table.

"Ready to go?"

"Yep." I grabbed a jacket and got off the bus with Ryan. A black truck was sitting there.

"Here you go." He said opening the door and helping me in.

"Thanks." He got in a drove.

"I didn't do anything fancy." He said parking in front of a McDonalds.

"I don't like fancy plus I like McDonalds." A smile grew on his face. "Let's go I'm starving!" We got out and made our way to it. We ordered and found a table in a corner.

"So what do you do for fun?" He asked.

"I love to hunt and fish, I like to paint, and sing if course. I also like to work on cars. What about you?"

"I also like to hunt and fish. I like to also sing and rap. I like to work on cars. I also like to ride my motorcycle." Our food came and we ate. "I was raised in Cheatham County. I still live there."

"That's cool. I was raised in Macon in Georgia but live in Nashville."

"We better get going." We arrived back with a little time to spare.  We went back stage.

"You ready?"

"Always." I said. 

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