do you love him

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I was still at Lin's house. It was two days after the party. We all sat around a small fire. There was Amber sitting on B's lap. He had his arms around her. Luke was grilling some hamburgers for us while Lin was setting out chips. On her way past the grill she smaked Luke's butt. Jason and Britt were sitting on a bench holding hands. I sat on a camp chair. Chase right next to me.

"I'm glad your here so I'm not 7th wheeling." I told him. He laughed. I stared in to the flames. I wonder what Ryan was doing right know. I knew he was on tour so he was probably getting ready to go on stage or something like that. I really missed him. But I wasn't ready to forgive he yet.

"Madison!" Jason yelled. I snapped my head up to look at him.

"You good? Been talking to you for the last couple of minutes."

"I'm good." I said nodding try to convince him and myself.

"You don't look ok." Amber said. "You miss him don't you?" She asked softly. I smiled and nodded at her. By this time everybody was sitting down around the fire.

"I do miss him but..." I broke off trying to get the words I wanted.

"You don't know if you can forgive him for what he did." Lin said for me. I nodded my head at her. God they knew me too good.

"When I started drinking Amber left me." Brantley started. Amber shook her head at him.

"It was so hard to leave him because I loved him. But I had too. He was going to drink him self to death." Amber started. "I didn't want to see that. It was my mom that told me not to give up. Even though I wasn't ready to forgive him that day. I took a day just to get my bearing together. I bucked up and went and saw him. I told him I wasn't ready to forgive him yet but we work through this."

"That was about 2 years before we got married. I guess the point is that if you love him tell him. Tell him that your not ready to forgive him but that you want to work on it with him. Just take it slow. You don't have to jump right off the deep end. Just slow and steady." He said nodding finishing his statement. We all were silent for a moment.

"Your right." I said standing up. 

"Where are you going?" They asked as I walked across the lawn.

"I'm going to go tell him how I feel!" Cheers were heard as I got in my truck. I already knew Ryan was in Georgia. I found the town and pointed my truck in that direction.

I rolled in to the parking lot of where he was. I was nervous as could be. I took a deep breath as I parked. I started walking towards. There was a security gaurd at the entrance. I walked up to him. "Hi I know that I'm propley not on your list but.." He interpreted me.

"Your Madison Aldean."

"Yes sir I am."

"Austin said if you showed up to let you in." I thanked him as I walked in. Why would Austin say to let me in?  I saw the busses and walked over to them. I stood by the bus in the shadow waiting for Ryan.

I saw him as a soft smile grew on my face. But it broke as I saw that girl with him. He walked up and pinned her up on the door kissing a few feet in front of me. Luckily they couldn't see me.

"Ooo Ryan I need you." She said in a whiny voice as his hand slid up her shirt.

"Ok bae let's go in side." They went inside as I crumbled.

I slammed into the bus my knees went out and I was in a crouching postion. My hand over my mouth as I started crying.

"Hey miss are you ok?" A voice came. The voice I recognized was Austin Upchurch. "Madison?" I looked up at him.

"He...." Austin seemed to understand. He grabbed my hand and helped me up.

"Come on Madison." He said leading me away. He sat me down in a chair that was in the arena. Sobs left my lips as tears came out of my eyes. He sat by me rubbing my back in a smoothing way.

"I can't belive he got over me that fast. He said he loved me." I cried out. "I still love him but clearly he doesn't love me." I had my head in my hands. My finger wrapping up in my hair giving light tugs at it.

"Shh Madison it's ok. Look at me." I lifted my head to look at him. "My brother is a dumb ass. He should have never let you go. Sooner or later he will realize this. But at the moment he is not thinking with his brain or his heart either. Pretty soon he will come crawling back." I just looked at him before pulling him into a hug.

"Thank you Austin." I wiped at my face as we walked back to my truck.

"Are you sure your ok to drive home?" I nodded my head yes.

"Ok. Here." He handed me a piece of paper. I tilted my head as to say what is this. "I know that Ryan is my brother but I don't care. I always wanted a sister. I finally got one till he screwed that up. But I'm still hoping that we can be friends?"

"Austin of course we can still be friends. Your brother could never screw that up for you." He smiled at me.

"I was hopping you would feel that way because that is my number. Text or call anytime. Ok?"

"Ok. Thank you so much for everything again." I grabbed him a hug.

"Your welcome. Now off you go. Text me when you get home please so I know you got there safe."

"I will." I said as i got back in my truck. Soon I was driving out.  Austin becoming smaller and smaller.

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