touring with who?

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"Now your never going to see him again!" Caroline said. Caroline, Brittany, Amber, and I decided to have a girl's night. Which ment at my house since it was in Nashville and not in Georgia. It also meant that the girls could get away from their husbands and kids for a bit. Plus it would be the last one before I went on tour. I had just finished telling them about the guy in the bar.

"Lin your  being dramatic."

"No she's right. Your never going to see him again!" Amber said.

"Well now maybe your brother will leave you alone about settling down." Britt suggested.

"Ya but I'm not telling him. He would yell at me even more because I didn't get his number."

"Your right about that."

"So do you know who your going to be touring with yet?"

"No I found out Monday."

"Hey Madison, you got his name right?"

"Yes why?"

"Lets look him up!"

"Ok. Let's do it." I ran to my room and got my laptop. Than I ran back. The girls grouped around me. I went to goggle and typed in Ryan Upchurch.

"Click on the YouTube video." We watched it. Turned out he was a rapper. He rapped about the country. He was good if I do say so.

"He isn't bad looking." Lin said.

"Back off his mine." I said laughing and shooting her a wink.

"Ok some ones protective of him." We all laughed as I closed my laptop.

"Cheers to Madison and her new friend! And to finding him!"


Monday morning was here. I threw on some blue jeans, a hunter green shirt with my boots. I got to the build and walked into my producer/ tour manager Kerri's office. How she became my producer was a funny story.  I was singing with Luke and Jason in Luke's and Lin's kitchen. And she walked in. She knew she could make me a star. So one thing lead to another and here I am.

"Hey Madison!"

"Hey Kerri." I said taking a seat.

"So are you excited about the tour?"

"Yep. I'm really excited. More excited to see with who."

"I bet you are but I want to go over a couple things first. So it starts in 5 days. Your first show is here in Nashville. And  his producer and I  wanted to do a new thing on this tour. When your about switch with the other person. I want y'all to duet something. Either one if your songs or his. How does that sound?"

"It sounds interesting but fun."

"Ok so I've been holding on to who your touring with... So are you ready to find out?"

"Yep im so ready."

"It's Ryan Upchurch. We thought since your kind of a nice girl and he's a bad boy the fans would love it." She said putting air quotes around good girl and bad boy. But as soon as she said his name my jaw dropped. "Do you know him?"

"Umm we meet for like a minute."

She nodded."Ok well that's it. Thanks Madison see ya in a couple days."
I soon as I was in my truck I speed dialed Lin.

"Lin you know my mystery man? Well I'm touring with him!" A scream came form her.

"Your touring with him?!"

"Yep! Can you belive my luck?"

"It's fate! I'm telling you fate!" She yelled.

 "But what if he doesn't rember me?"

"Hang on let's put the other girls on this call." So everybody was on the call. I explained what was going on.


"That's what I said!"

"But what if he doesn't remember me? What if I was just another chick in a bar?" Worry laced my voice.

"He will defiantly rember you Madison!"

"No one can forget you. I've tried too." Jason's voice came over the line.

"Go away we are talking. And you can't just come and hear one word of the talk and put your 2 cents in." Britt told him.

"I've tried to forget you to J. But you just keep show up so I can't." I could see him rolling his eyes.

"Love you too little sis."

"Love you too  big bro. Ok but I'm home and I have to get my bus ready. We can talk later." We said our good byes and hung up. This tour was going to be something else. I can tell you that. But I was so excited!
A/N in the picture is Madison!

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