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I was here on the stage practicing with my band for tonight. We had just finished up but were just hanging out in the stage.

"Your brother told us to watch out for guys for you." Keith said. Keith was my drummer. He was tall with brown hair. My guitarist was NJ. He was had long hair that was blonde. My anything man was TJ. He could do everything pretty much. I loved my band. We were small but mighty.

"Ooo I bet he did."

"Don't worry Brit said to leave ya alone."

"Thank you Brit!" We all laughed.

"He just cares for you." I laid down on the stage on my back looking up at the lights.

"Ya I know but some times it just gets to be to much." More foot steps aprouched us.

"Hey Madison."

"Hey Ryan."

"What are ya doing?"

"Sweeping up the stage with my hair." We all laughed. He held out his hand. I took it and he pulled me up. "Thanks."

"I thought we could do outlaw. That way you can go do what you want tomorrow."

"Ok sounds good." His band set up. I counted the beats. When it was time I started signing. We practiced a couple of times but pretty soon we sounded good together. "Ok. We will see y'all later." I said walking off the stage. Soon I was on my bus  taking a shower. I got out and put a tang top and jeans. Soon I was out the door going to look around the arena. As soon as I entered the arena my phone went off.


"Hey Madison!"

"Well if it ain't Chase Rice." I said teasing him. Chase was one of my best friends.

"Well if it ain't Madison Aldean. I heard about your man troubles and how your now touring with him." I looked towards the stage as Chase talked to see  Ryan and his band was still here.  I looked at the time. It had  been about 20 minutes. He must have want everything perfect. "Madison you still with me?"

"Ya sorry just got distracted. But yes to confirm. And how did you know?"

"News travels fast."

"Uhh, who  told you?"

"Brit might have send me a text."

"I see. So how about you? Found a girl yet?"

"Naw I'm giving up on girls."

"No all you've had is girls you need to find a women."

"Your right as always." We talked for a bit more before we hung up. Ryan had left. So it was just me. I walked up forwards the exit. I passed row after row.


I was jumping around getting my blood pumping before I hit the stage. I was so ready.

"Ok your on." A rookie said handing me a microphone. "Thanks!" I said grabbing it and running out on the stage. "Hey Nashville! You ready to party tonight!?" I yelled getting the crowd hyped up. I bunch of shouts came back.
"Lets kick it then! I cut my bangs with some rusty kitchen scissors." I started singing. All to soon my set was done. "Ok Nashville please help me welcome Upchurch!" He came on the stage.
"What's up Nashville? Are ya ready Madison?" "Ready. Where have the rebels gone?" Once we were down singing I got off the stage and watch Ryan do his set. My band came over to me.
" Why don't y'all got get the stuff ready for tonight. I'll be there in a bit. I want to invite Ryan and his band." I chorus of ok came.  I tapped my foot listening to him. He came off a little bit later. He's head had sweat dripping down it.
"Hey Madison. I'm glad you stayed and listened." "Ya me too. You've got some great songs." "Thanks you do to." We sat there in silent for a moment. Than I rembered what was going to tell him.
"Um. Me and my band have a fire after our first performance of the tour to celebrate and I was wondering if you and your band would like to come?" "Sure. Sounds like fun. I got to change but I'll see you over there?" "Sounds good." I started to where the fire was. My smile was wide.
"He must have said yes! She never smiled like that!" Keith said.
"Ooo what ever!" I pushed him slightly. He didn't move due to me only being 5'5 and him being 6'. "Did y'all get everything?" "Yes ma-am! We did.""Ok then let's light it up!" NJ handed me a lighter. "May this tour be the best yet, may it be safe, and one hell of a ride!" I yelled as I lit the fire. "Amen!" My band called. We were all sitting around the fire. Ryan came with his band. He grabbed a drink and sat by me.
" So y'all do this every tour?" "Yep. It's special to us. Before we light the fire we say a few things that we want the tour to be like then we light it." "That's cool." "Thanks. Well since we will be touring together we might as well get to know each other." "20 questions?"
"Sure. How old are you?" "28. You?" "26. What's a song that means a lot to you that you sing?" "Dirty South. What's your favorite song to sing?""A girl in a country song." This went on for awhile. We talked mostly about our music.  I think we went past 20 questions which I didn't mind. I checked the time on my phone. It was nearing 11. "Hey y'all we got to clean up." Everybody pitched in to help clean up. "Well I think I'm going to bed. Night everyone." "Can I walk you to your bus?" "Sure."
All to soon we got to my bus. "Hey um Madison?""Yes?" "Would you eat me with dinner tomorrow?" He said fast. "Um sorry let me try again. Would you like to eat dinner with me tomorrow?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck as he talked slower."Sure." He smiled. "Ok its a date! I'll see you later." He said as he walked away. I let myself in my bus. What was this guy doing to me? I had never felt this way about anybody since what happened. My mind started to replay the memories. I shook my head to clear it. He will be different.  At least I hope.
A/N Happy New Year! May this year be better then the last!

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