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It has been a great few months. After Ryan had asked me to be his girlfriend we have been going good and slow. Witch I was thankful for. I was glad that he wasn't pushing me to do anything. A knock come on my door pulling me out of my thoughts. I went and answered it. There stood Ryan with a guy that look liked him.

"Come on in. You must be Austin." Ryan had told me that his baby brother would be here. I was excited to meet him.

"Yep that's me."

"Well it's nice to meet ya. Have a seat." I said leading the way to the table. "Y'all want a beer?" I asked with my head in the fridge.

"Sure." I got two beers and a soda for me. I handed them out. I slid in next to Ryan. "So Austin, tell me about your self." A couple hours later I knew a lot about him. He had a darker sense of humor but it wasn't as dark as mine. "Well we best head to the stage." I said. Austin said he was going to go find food and broke away from me and Ryan.
We continued to the stage. "Hey Madison how do you feel about going public?"

"I think it's a good idea."

"I'm glad you feel that way because i want to do it tonight." He stated. I thought for a minute. I already told my mama. And my brother. Well I just said I was dating someone and then hung up.

"Ok!" A smile lit up his whole face. He looked so happy it made me feel so happy. We got to the stage and split up to our different dressing rooms. I changed into my outfit. It was a dark blue tang top with jeans and boots. After tucking my top into my jeans I put my belt on. I left my hair naturally curly. I put some lip stick on and walked out. Ryan was standing out side waiting for me. He looked me over.

"You look beautiful." He said taking my hand and holding it.

"Thanks." I felt the blush in my cheeks. We got to the stage I could hear the crowd. I love doing what I do.

"See ya in a little." He said as he went on stage.  A little while later a  rookie handed me my microphone and then took it away. A puzzled look came to my face.

"Ryan." He simply said then pushed me on stage. Ryan looked over and came over. He grabbed my hand and led me to the middle of the stage.

"Y'all I must say this is the best  tour I've ever been on and that is because of this girl. So we have an anocument that we want to tell y'all. Me and Madison are dating." All the fans went nuts. I heard one person shout out "I ship it!" I laughed as the blush started to my cheeks.

"I ship it too!" Ryan said.

"Now here she is Miss Madison Aldean!" He said handing me the microphone. As he passed he pecked my cheek.

"Hi y'all. Don't know how I'm going to top that but I'll try! You obly love me for my big sunglasses." I got off stage and was pulled to the side. Ryan put me up against the wall. He bent his head down our noses touching.

"That felt great."

"Ya." I was staring at his lips that were so close. He caught me staring. Before I could say anything. His lips touched mine. I felt my lips moving with his. I know this sounds cheesy but fireworks went all off in my head. He moved back for air. I was disappointed that it didn't last longer.

"But that felt even better."

"Shut up." I said pulling him back for another one.

I stared at my ceiling. Replaying the kisses over and over. It was about midnight but I couldn't stop thinking about it. My phone went off. I turned and answered it. "Hello?" I said dreamy.

"We just saw a video of you and Ryan going public!" Britt, Lin, and Amber yelled over the phone.


"Well... did he kiss you?"



"It was amazing. I've never felt anything like it." Screams came over the line. "Hey Britt did Jason see it yet?"

"Not yet. But I'm sure once he does you'll get a call." We chatted for a few before I hung up. I touched my lips and started replaying it all over again. While I fell asleep.

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