Special Chapter

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Sarah bit her lip as she continued to furiously type, trying to finish the article as soon as possible.

Working for SM Entertainment was a lot more work than she had expected, but a part of her was glad that she was busy.

Dating Mark was great, but he was a busy idol, and being part of NCT 127, NCT Dream, and SuperM did not help. The two tried their best to organize dates as much as possible, but with both their busy schedules, it often just ended up being a simple dinner and some night time cuddles before a short amount of sleep together.

Sarah checked the time and her eyes widened as she saw how late it was, quickly submitting her article before shutting her computer off.

At least traffic won't suck as much, Sarah thought as she gathered her things before heading to the elevator. Many of her peers had already left but Sarah

Just as the doors were closing, she heard footsteps running and was surprised when a hand slipped between the doors, preventing them from closing. When they opened again, she was surprised to see who was on the other side.

"Mark?" Sarah exclaimed, thrilled to see her boyfriend but waited till he stepped in and the doors closed behind him before hugging him.

"Hey." Mark said with a cheeky grin as he held his girlfriend in his arms, looking her in the eyes. "Did you not get my text?"

"Text?" Sarah asked, stepping back to check her phone. Her eyes widened once she saw how many messages from Mark she had recieved. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! I was focused on work and-"

"It's okay." Mark said with a giggle, ruffling her hair. "You're busy, I get it."

"Pft, I can't even say that to you." Sarah told him, placing her phone back into her purse. "You're five times busier than me, I can't complain one bit."

Mark shrugged as the elevator came to a stop and he stepped off, pulling her with him. "Mark, what are you doing?"

"I have practice in a bit but I wanted to talk to you." Mark told her as she realized that they were on the floor of the dance studios. "I'm so sorry that we can't go on proper dates like we did in Canada."

Sarah felt guilty as she saw how sad Mark seemed, giving his arm a light rub. "It's fine, seeing you for a few hours every day is better than not seeing you at all."

Mark didn't seem convinced though as he raised his head. Even with his black cap covering his face, she could tell he was serious. "I'm going on tour soon so I'll be gone for a month. I don't think that's much different from us living on diffferent sides of the world."

"Hey." Sarah said, lifting his chin so that they were looking at each other in the eye. "I knew what I was getting into when we started dating, so don't be such a pessimist."

"I don't know." Mark said, breaking the stare to check the time on his phone. "Anyways, I need to go. Don't wait for me to sleep, I'll be coming home late."

"I know, you told me last night." Sarah said, giving him a small smile.

Sarah couldn't felt her stomach twist as Mark didn't return it, placing his phone in his pocket before walking away.


Sarah was walking to her building from the subway station when her phone rang, the contact taking her by surprise. She checked her surroundings before picking her phone up.

"Chenle?" Sarah hissed, worried that a sasaeng might be around. "Why did you call?"

"Hi noona!" Chenle answered cheerfully. "I don't know, just bored and I know you're bored too."

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