Chapter 31

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Doyoung poked his head into the kitchen, staring at the girl who had her hands on her hips, staring at the numerous pots on the stove as she mumbled to herself.

Sarah had gone grocery shopping with NCT's manger while they were rehearsing. He had dropped her off at the dorms so she could get a head start, but even with the extra time, it seemed that creating a meal for nine boys was a great mission.

"Do you need help?" Doyoung asked, surprising Sarah. Sarah turned around to face the male.

"I feel like I'm missing something." Sarah told him. She watched as Doyoung eyed the full counters on the table.

"Did you cook the rice yet?" Doyoung asked her.

"Oh! That's it!" Sarah said, quickly scrambling to prepared the rice. Doyoung chuckled as he helped Sarah get the rice cooker out of the cupboards.

"Mm, smells good." Mark said, walking into the kitchen with a towel around his neck. Sarah immediately held up her hand, stopping him.

"You, stay far away from the kitchen." Sarah said. Mark pouted, slumping his shoulders.

"Why, I want to help!" Mark whined but Sarah shook her head.

"No, we both know you'll ruin any dish you touch." Sarah said before placing a handful of chopsticks in his hands.

"Go prepare the table instead." Sarah told him before turning around. Mark looked at Doyoung and twirled a finger in the air, signalling him to turn around. Once Doyoung was turned around, Sarah felt arms snake around her waist as Mark gave her a small peck on the cheek before walking off towards the table.

"I'll go check on the others." Doyoung said, suddenly feeling awkward.

"Okay, sounds good, it'll be ready in fifteen minutes." Sarah told him, giving him a small smile.


"Wah this looks really good

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"Wah this looks really good." Haechan exclaimed as Sarah finished putting the last dish on the table.

"I hope it tastes as good as it looks." Sarah replied, taking her seat beside Mark. The NCT 127 members had gathered on the tenth floor, the table set up in the middle of their living room filled with the dishes that Sarah had cooked.

"Thank you for the meal." Taeyong happily called. The members soon followed, wide smiles on their faces.

"Please, eat." Sarah said, motioning to the food.

"I don't need to be told that twice." Haechan said, quickly picking up some side dishes. The members soon followed, chatting as they ate the meal.

"Oh, this is really good!" Haechan exclaimed, mouth full of food.

"Mmm, I haven't had food like this is so long." Jungwoo added. The rest of the members nodded in agreement.

"Good job." Mark said, patting her arm.

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