Chapter 5

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Mark's phone began ringing with notifications as the two young adults reached street level. He looked at his phone, seeing angry messages from his manager.

Manager Hyung
Are you headed back soon?

Manager Hyung

Manager Hyung
Where are you?

Manager Hyung
Mark Lee, I swear you better not be doing something stupid.

Mark smiled as he saw the last message. He quickly replied.

Sorry, I got lost but I'm on my way back now! Don't worry, I'll be back soon :)

Mark looked back up from his phone to see Sarah staring back at him. He suddenly remembered the reason why she was there in the first place.

"Hey thanks for getting me here." Mark said to her, opening the GPS app on his phone.

"No problem. Are you sure you don't need help getting to your place?" She asked him.

"No, I think I'm good." Mark said, smiling. He looked down at his phone, analyzing the directions it gave. "Walk eastbound along Front Street." He muttered to himself. He looked up at the street signs, hoping they would help. His eyebrows furrowed as he tried to interpret the directions, evidently failing. A small giggle escaped Sarah's lips as she watched him.

"Are you really sure?" She asked again. Mark looked down at his phone and then towards the girl.

"Okay, maybe I could use some help." He said, scratching the back of his neck. He passed his phone to her, allowing her to take a look at the directions. After analyzing them, she passed the phone back to him.

"This way," she said pointing in the right direction. He smiled to her as they began walking.

"So where have you been so far?" Sarah asked him, trying to start a conversation as they walked.

"I landed yesterday, so nowhere really. I just went out for lunch and explored a bit." Mark told her.

"How did you get to your lunch place without knowing how to get back?" Sarah pointed out with a smile. Mark chuckled at her question.

"My manager dropped me off. He was actually pretty hesitant at letting me go on my own but I guess I'm pretty convincing." He responded to her with a laugh.

"That's nice. Are you staying with him then?" Sarah stopped at the crosswalk as the lights changed.

"Yeah, we rented out this Airbnb. It's pretty nice actually."

"Yeah, it's situated in a pretty nice neighbourhood." Sarah informed him. They began walking again.

"Do you live with your family?" Mark suddenly asked. For some reason, the question was burning in the back of his mind. Sarah shook her head.

"No, I moved out last year. I wanted to live on my own so I could focus more on my studies and be more independent. I pay for the rent myself though." She proudly told him. Mark nodded, respecting her decision.

"Nothing helps you grow up more than living on your own." Mark said, a hint of sadness in his voice that didn't go unnoticed.

"Do you get to call your family often?" Sarah asked him, sensing something off.

"Yeah, I have my phone so it's not that bad. The worst is the time difference though." Sarah nodded, aware of the large time difference between Canada and South Korea.

"That's good. Hearing my family's voice always cheers me up." Sarah said to him smiling. The two of them stopped in front of a small house.

"I think this is it." Sarah said as Mark compared the house number to the address on his phone.

"Yeah it is. Thank you for your help." Mark said. He took Sarah's phone from his pocket handing it back to her.

"I'm glad that you could make it here safe." She said smiling as she took the phone from him. Mark looked at the time on his phone, seeing that it was near dinner time. He opened the message from his manager.

Manager Hyung
Okay. Let's order food when you get back.

"Did you eat dinner yet?" Mark asked her. Sarah shook her head.

"No, I was just going to cook when I get home." Sarah told him.

"Ah okay. Get home safely I guess." Mark said to her.

"Bye Mark, it was nice meeting you." Sarah waved goodbye, starting to walk away. For some reason, Mark felt sad seeing her her leave. He walked up the steps to the house, putting his hand on the door handle. As he looked down at his hand, he took a deep breath before turning around to chase the girl walking down the street.

"Hey Sarah!" He called out to her, causing her to stop and turn around. He ran, catching up to her.

"Come in have dinner before you go."



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