Chapter 18

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As they exited the station, Mark stared at the tall buildings around him.

"You can stare after I'm done class." Sarah said, pulling his arm. Mark let a small chuckle as he followed Sarah as they walked towards her school. She guided him into a large building, students casually strolling around. After going through various flights of stairs and winding hallways, Sarah opened the door to a room, revealing a large lecture hall. She took a seat in the middle, Mark following as he sat beside her.

"Should I take notes or something?" Mark asked as Sarah pulled out her laptop. Sarah shook her head.

"No one really cares about what you do as long as you're silent." Sarah told him. Mark took out his own laptop, putting his airpods in as he decided to work on his music. Sarah poked his arm, making Mark take out one of airpods.

"You have airpods?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah, why?" Mark said.

"Don't you have a Samsung?" Sarah said, pointing at my phone.

"Stop judging me." Mark said as Sarah began to giggle. A caucasian girl suddenly took a seat beside Sarah, surprising both of them. Mark quickly fixed his cap, hiding his face.

"Hi Sarah, how was your summer?" The girl said, greeting Sarah. Sarah gave her a smile back.

"Hey Emily, it was good, how was yours?" Sarah responded back to the girl as Mark avoided eye contact.

"It was good too." The girl, Emily, began looking past Sarah at Mark.

"Oh, Emily, this is my cousin from Korea. He's visiting Canada for a bit and my mom thought it would be a good idea to let him experience university here." Sarah lied, lightly tapping Mark's arm. Mark turned and gave Emily a wave.

"Oh, nice to meet you." Emily said, before turning back to Sarah. Mark sighed a breath of relief as he continued working on his music. The lecture soon began and occaisionally, Mark would take out his airpod to listen in but the professor's voice was extremely dry, making it hard for him to stay awake.

Two hours later, the lecture had ended, Sarah and Mark packing up their stuff. Mark watched as Emily waved bye to Sarah before leaving the lecture hall.

"Ready to go?" Sarah asked, turning back towards Mark. Mark nodded, following her as they made their way out.

"Man, you go through that everyday?" Mark asked once they were out in the halls. Sarah nodded.

"Yup, it's dry and boring but I have to learn it all if I want a degree." Sarah replied. Mark shook his head, feeling bad for the girl.

"I have another class in an hour, should we get some food?" Sarah asked. Mark nodded, feeling his stomach growling.


"Tim Hortons?" Mark asked as they stood outside the small coffee shop.

"Yep, I'm not letting you leave Canada without coming here." Sarah answered as they walked in, lining up. Mark looked at the menu, debating on what to get. After the two made their orders, Mark quickly pulled out his credit card, pushing Sarah aside.

"What the heck?" Sarah said as Mark paid for their meal.

"My treat for my amazing tour guide." Mark responded, attempting to wink. Sarah giggled as she watched his failed attempt.

The two quickly grabbed their food and drinks, taking a seat in the coffee shop.


"You know, being an idol singer doesn't seem that hard anymore." Mark said as they left Sarah's last class. Sarah chuckled at the male's words.

"That's all I have for today, I can show you the campus now!" Sarah told him. Mark stopped in his tracks. Sarah turned around to face him.

"Wait, there's more to your school?" Mark asked before continuing to walk. Sarah nodded.

"Yeah, this is only one building." Sarah told him as she pulled up a map on her phone. She passed it over to Mark, showing the various buildings.

"Wow, your school is huge." Mark said, passing the phone back to her.

"Yup, first stop, the library." Sarah said, pulling him along.


The two had returned to Sarah's place, waiting for Mark's manager to arrive to pick him up. They sat on Sarah's couch, enjoying some watermelon that Sarah had got them.

"Did you know watermelon is one of my favourite fruits?" Sarah said as she took a bite. Mark's eyes widened at her words.

"Really? It's mine too!" Mark exclaimed excitedly. Sarah laughed at the boy.

"What a coincidence." Sarah said, putting her fork down as she stared at the boy sitting beside her. They were sitting close enough that she could reach out and touch his face if she wanted to.

"When are you flying back to Korea?" Sarah asked him. Mark thought for a moment before answering.

"Friday night." Mark told her. "Will you send me off?"

"If you give me the details, I will." Sarah said smiling. The two sat there, knowing that their time together was limited.

"You know, I'm very thankful for you saving me at that subway station." Mark told her as he stared into her eyes.

"I had to, you were like a lost puppy." Sarah said to him with a chuckle. She cleared her throat as she noticed him staring at her.

"You're making me blush." Sarah said, fanning herself as she looked away. Mark reached out, softly patting her head.

"Good." Mark said, turning her head to face him. He planted a soft kiss on her lips before deepening it as he leaned forward, wrapping his arms around her waist. Their moment was soon interrupted by the sound of Mark's phone buzzing, signalling that his manager had arrived.

"I'll call you when I get home." Mark told her as he began grabbing his things.

"Okay." Sarah said, as she got up, leading him down to where his manager was waiting.



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