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That spring day, Sarah was packing her bags. There wasn't much to pack, considering the fact that she had already shipped most of her clothes. Her parents were waiting outside her room, as Sarah placed the last few items into her luggage.

What was once her room was now empty, only a few pieces of furniture remaining, which her parents would help her sell once she was gone.

Sarah quickly zipped up her bag, rolling it out of the room.

"Is that it?" Her mother asked her. Sarah nodded.

"That should be everything. You can sell or keep anything else left behind." Sarah told her.

"I can't believe you're moving halfway across the world." Her father said. Sarah could tell that he was sad that his daughter was moving so far away, but nonetheless still proud of her achievements.

"I mean, I'm lucky that I got a job right after graduation." Sarah told him with a small smile. Her father nodded, patting his daughter on the back.

"You know we'll always be proud of you, no matter what." Her father told him.

"Save the sappy words for the airport." Sarah said, chuckling as she linked arms with her parents.

"Our daughter is so grown up now." Her mother said, ruffling her hair as the three of them made their way to the door.

Sarah turned back, looking at her empty apartment one more time before closing the door behind her.


"I love you." Her mother said as she hugged her daughter one last time.

"I love you too." Sarah said before releasing the hug. "Both of you." She said, looking towards both our parents.

"We'll try to come and visit when we have time." Her father said as he passed Sarah her backpack.

"I'll probably come back when I get some time off too." Sarah told them but her parents only laughed.

"You'll probably be so busy, you'll forget about us." Her father said, winking. Sarah shook her head.

"No, Mark will probably be on tour here, so I'll have to come back whether I like it or not." Sarah replied, smirking at her parents.

"You should hurry up and go, you don't want to miss your flight." Her mother said, gently shoving her daughter.

"Okay, okay, I'll send you a message when I arrive." Sarah said, moving towards the gates. She waved at her parents one more time, before stepping through the sliding glass doors.


Sarah will never get used to the flashing camera and numerous fans surrounding the airport. There must be some idol flying back today as well. Sarah thought, pushing her way through the crowd. She looked around for that familiar face, smiling when she saw him.

"How was your flight?" The manager asked, taking her luggage in his hands.

"Long." Sarah replied as she followed the manager to the black van waiting for them. The manager placed her bag in the back as she hopped into the passenger seat.

"Mark's rehearsing, big surprise." The manager said, starting the car.

"That's okay, I need to get my company ID card anyways." Sarah replied looking out the window. Seoul.

"Actually, I already have it." The manager said, passing her the card. Sarah raised an eyebrow, surprised.

"Thanks." Sarah said, taking the card in her hands.

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