Chapter 28

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Sarah exited the bathroom to find Mark sitting on the bed, scrolling through his phone. She hoped her eyes weren't red from crying as she approached him. He put his phone down, smiling but the smile soon faded as he looked at her face.

"Did you cry?" Mark asked as Sarah slipped in the bed. Sarah looked away debating on whether to lie or not.

"Yeah, I just miss home." Sarah lied. Mark wrapped his arm around her, bring her close so that her head rested in his chest.

"That's understandable. I used to cry a lot as a trainee because I missed home too." Mark said, stroking her hair. Sarah smiled at the gesture, it was comforting. She felt bad for lying but knew that she couldn't tell him the real reason behind her puffy eyes.

"Oh, manager hyung texted me!" Mark suddenly exclaimed. Sarah looked up to meet his eyes.

"Really, what did he say?" Sarah asked him.

"The CEO and Lee Sooman want to have dinner with the NCT members and staff tomorrow night." Mark told her. "And that includes you."

"Is this dinner fancy?" Sarah asked. Mark pondered for a second before shaking his head.

"No, it's probably like our tour dinner. I think it's just a little celebration for Christmas and New Years." Mark explained. Sarah slowly nodded her head, taking in the information.

"Wait, it's with the CEO AND Lee Sooman?" Sarah asked as she realized what Mark had said. Mark let out a chuckle before nodding his head.

"Yes, but I wouldn't worry too much. Lee Sooman is a pretty nice guy and the CEO was the one that let me go to Canada in the first place." Mark told her.

"Is this an every year thing?" Sarah asked. Mark hesitated before shaking his head.

"No, this is actually the first. Maybe they want to celebrate since you're here." Mark said jokingly.

"Wait, they know I'm here?!" Sarah exclaimed. Mark shrugged his shoulders.

"Well they know my friend from Canada is here. It just so happens that the girl is uh.. female?" Mark said as Sarah smacked him lightly.

"Mark, you left out important details!" Sarah scolded him as Mark scratched the back of his neck.

"I mean it's a little hard to convince them to allow a female to room with me." Mark admitted. Sarah shook her head as Mark gave her a cheeky grin before making her rest back on his chest. They stayed there for a while before Sarah decided to break the silence.

"Mark, I have a question." Sarah told him.

"Sure, hit me." Mark responded, smiling as be ran his fingers through her hair.

"Does the distance between us bother you?" Sarah asked him. Mark seemed taken aback by the question, running his fingers through his hair for a moment.

"Sarah, I know a lot of people don't think it's possible to keep a long distance relationship but I don't know. When you were in school, I had my doubts and wondered if it really could be possible but having you here in Korea right now, in my arms, it makes me feel like as long as we're together, we can conquer everything." Mark told her. Sarah felt like her heart had melted from his words.

"Mark..." Sarah said as she looked at his intense gaze. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I really like you... a lot." Mark said before looking away. "Ah sorry Sarah, this is so cheesy."

Sarah giggled at the boys shy behavious before hugging his torso.

"It's okay Mark, I like you too." Sarah said, burying her face into his chest as he giggled.

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