Chapter 19

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Sarah crossed another day off her calendar with a deep sigh. She looked at the writing under next day.

Mark's flight back to Korea

Sarah dragged her feet as she made her way to her bed. She slid into her bed, missing the warmth that Mark had given her back when he stayed over at her place.

The first week of classes had gone by quickly, and soon a pile of work was already waiting for Sarah. Mark had spent the last few days in Canada relaxing and visiting a few of his relatives that resided in Toronto. He had surprised Sarah once again by appearing at her apartment with two bags of take out but unfortunately, the next morning his manager had quickly picked him up, running a few errands before they returned to Korea.

Sarah was still thankful for Mark's efforts though, as he sent her texts and snaps throughout the day and made sure to video call her every night.

As Sarah laid in her bed, exhausted from her long day at school, she had forgotten about her calls with Mark until her phone rang. She quickly picked it up as she saw the called ID, reaching out to turn her lamp on.

"Wow, sleeping already?" Mark said with a chuckle as he appeared on her screen.

"It's been a long day." Sarah said with a smile as she admired the boy on her screen.

"If I didn't call, you would have forgotten about me!" Mark said with a pout. Sarah couldn't help but smile at how cute the boy was.

"Relax, I'm seeing you tomorrow." Sarah said, rolling her eyes.

"Ah, that reminds me. Manager-hyung and I will be waiting at this fancy restaurant place that apparently not many people know about so you can meet us there. Hyung already told the security about you coming to meet us so just make sure you have your ID." Mark told her.

"Wow, is that what the idol life is like?" Sarah asked jokingly. She smiled as she heard Mark giggle as he turned the camera away. He suddenly appeared back on screen, a serious look on his face. Sarah stared back at him, curious as to what he could be thinking.

"You look pretty." Mark suddenly said, making Sarah blush.

"Yah, I look like I'm about to go sleep!" Sarah exclaimed.

"My words still stand." Mark said, a wide grin on his face as he realized how uncomfortable he was making the girl.

"Anyways, I still have a bit to pack so I'll see you tomorrow. Don't be late!" Mark said.

"Alright, hurry up and pack!" Sarah said, scolding the boy. Mark giggled again before waving goodbye.

"Goodnight Sarah." Mark said with a wide smile.

"Goodnight Mark." Sarah responded, waving back as the screen turned black. Sarah let out a deep breath as she placed her phone down.

I'm going to miss him when he leaves.


"This place sure is fancy." Sarah mumbled to herself as she eyed the security guard standing at the door to the restaurant. It was located inside the airport, hidden amonst the many glass doors. If it weren't for the security guard, the numerous photos Mark had sent her, along with directions from his manager, she would have never been able to find it.

She took a deep breath before approaching him.

It had been a good morning, despite the fact that Sarah was not looking forward to the day. She woke up to a snap video from Mark.

"It is now 1:37am and I have officially finished packing so Sarah Kim, you cannot be mad at me." Mark had said as he proudly showed her his suitcases lined up at the door. He had sent her another goodnight snap as well, a selfie of him lying in bed.

"Name and ID please." The security guard said as Sarah went up to him.

"Sarah Kim. I'm with Mark Lee." Sarah said as she handed him her driver's license. The security took a look at the tablet he held, comparing the name to her ID before passing the card back.

"Just go straight down the hall and tell the waiter that you're with Mark." The security guard instructor her.

"Thank you." Sarah said, giving him a slight nod before entering. As Sarah stepped foot inside. she immediately felt underdressed as she walked only the white tiled floor. She made her way down the hall, a waiter waiting for her at the end. She recalled the security guard's instructions.

"I'm with Mark." Sarah said to her. The lady nodded, guiding her towards the rows of tables, until they made it to the end. A familiar boy sat alone, his signature black cap resting on the table as he smiled at her.

"Where's your manager?" Sarah asked as she took a seat across from him as the waiter left them alone.

"Wow, not even a proper greeting?" Mark said, hand over his chest as he gave her an offended look. Sarah rolled her eyes, a grin on her face. Mark chuckled before answering her question. "He's in the lounge area, taking a nap."

"Smart, you probably kept him up all night with your packing." Sarah said to him.

"It's my last day here and you're being so mean to me." Mark said, picking up the menu. Sarah suddenly felt her stomach drop, feeling guilty for her words. Upon noticing her smile fade, Mark lowered the menu before reaching his hand out, giving Sarah's hand a quick squeeze.

"I'm just kidding, don't be sad. You're going to make me cry." Mark said to her. Sarah forced a smile before looking into his eyes.

"I'm going to miss you too." Sarah said, to him. She watched as a small smile spread on Mark's lips.

"I'm going to miss you too, but think of it as a I'll see you again later. We'll stay in touch and if you ever visit Korea, you can come see me." Mark told her.

"Won't you be busy?" Sarah asked. She watched as Mark thought for a second.

"Well I'll make time for you. And if I have a schedule, you can always join me." Mark said before pointing at the menu.

"Now quickly pick something to eat, I'm starving. Also its my treat, no discussion. You need to save money for University while I have nothing better to spend my on." Mark said, sternly. Sarah could help but giggle at his sudden serious tone.

"Whatever you say, Mark." Sarah said, opening the menu.



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Hello everyone!

I'm sorry that I haven't really been updating, I was just trying to think about the direction I want to go with this but I kinda have it... ish? Idk lol i guess we'll just have to wait and see

Also if you haven't watched iheart radio yet, you should because I literally died of laughter when they asked mark which era was his best so yeah :)

Peace and love :)

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