Chapter 13

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"Sarah get in, it's late so I'll drive you home." Mark's manager told the girl as Mark got into the car. Sarah glanced at Mark.

"Get in." Mark called out to her with a smile. Sarah hesistated before getting into the car.

"Can you put in you address?" The manager asked, passing his phone back. Mark passed her the phone, letting Sarah but in her address before handing the phone back.

Throughout the car ride, Sarah and Mark filled the manager in on their day, laughing over how scared Mark was on the various rides.


Sarah settled herself in her bed as she felt the phone buzz beside her. She opened it up to see a message from Mark.

I'm back at the airbnb now.

Good to hear :)

You only have one more day until your classes start again, right?

Yeah, it sucks :(

What are you doing tomorrow then?

Probably just relaxing at home

Ah I see

Why do you ask?

No reason :)

You're so weird

Hehe, I'm going to get ready for bed now!

Ok, goodnight!

Goodnight :)

Sarah smiled as she placed her phone beside her bed, falling asleep for the night.


Sarah went sat on the couch in her apartment, scrolling through her phone. It was around noon and she had just been fooling around in her house.

Did you eat lunch yet?

No, not yet.

Her phone suddenly rang, Mark's caller ID popping up.

"Hello?" Sarah said, answering the phone.

"Hey, what are you doing right now?" Mark asked her.

"Just chilling in my apartment, why?" Sarah told him.

"Can you see the front of you apartment from your window?" That's a weird question.


"Just answer the question."

"Yeah I can, why?" Sarah looked out her window, curious as to why Mark was asking such an absurd question when she saw a familiar figure standing by a black car.

"Mark Lee, is that you?" Sarah exclaimed. She heard Mark chuckle on the other side of the line.

"Can you let me in, it's really hot out here." Mark said. Sarah quickly ran to her bathroom, looking at her reflection.

"I look like a mess." Sarah said.

"I don't really care about that. What I do care about is the fact that I'm burning right now." Mark answered. Sarah grabbed her keys, making her way to the elevators.

"Okay, I'll be down in a moment."


"A warning would have been nice." Sarah said as Mark followed her into her apartment.

"I brought food though." Mark said, holding up the bags of take out and snacks. Sarah shook her head, smiling.

"I wouldn't have let you in if you didn't" Sarah said jokingly.

"You would have made me go back, even though I made my way all the way up here?" Mark exclaimed.

"Yup." Sarah said as she helped Mark unpack the food. She pointed to Mark's large backpack.

"Why is it so full?" Sarah asked.

"Oh, I might go to a dance studio to practice later." Mark explained.

"I see." Sarah said, heading to the kitchen to grab plates and cutlery for the two of them.

"Let's eat." Mark said, as Sarah and him took their seats at the table.


"Do you want to watch something?" Sarah asked as Mark finished helping her clean up.

"Sure, I'm down for anything." Mark said as he wiped his hands on the cloth.

"To All the Boys I Loved Before?" Mark read the title of the movie.

"You chose a chick flick?" Mark exclaimed. Sarah chucked at the boy's actions.

"This is what you get for letting me choose." Sarah said, sticking her tongue out. Mark smiled as the two of them settled on her couch. Sarah grabbed a blanket for the two of them, scooting closer to Mark so they would both fit under it.

Mark felt his heart start racing as the girl got closer to him. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

"Are you okay?" Sarah asked, feeling Mark blow into her ear. Mark's ears immediately turned red from embarassment.

"Yeah." Mark said, avoiding eye contact as Sarah started the movie.



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Hehe hes so cute

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