Uzumaki's Stand Together

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"We?" Genma asked.

"We," Sakura confirmed as Gaara slid closer and Naruto and Rin stepped up from where they had been standing behind the others. Mito and Kushina came to stand next to Naruto and Yagura stood off next to Rin.

"Mito and Kushina were the nine-tails jinchuuriki before Naruto. The only time the Kyuubi got loose was when Kushina gave birth to Naruto and the Kyuubi was ripped from her by Danzo while the seal was at it's weakest. If he hadn't have interfered there would have been no nine-tails attack and Naruto would not be the jinchuuriki. With Minato watching the seal they would have been able to keep the kyuubi sealed until Kushina was in recovery. It is because of Danzo that the nine-tails attacked."

"There is no way to know that the seal would have held," an older shinobi stated, throwing a disgusted look at Naruto.

"Do not insult me, shinobi-san," Mito snarled. Hashirama laid a hand on her lower back, rubbing soothing circles.

"What do you mean? I haven't insulted anyone!"

"You insult me and every Uzumaki by saying that seal would not have held. The Uzumaki are seal masters. We know how to seal something like a bijuu so that it cannot leave it's jailer. You insinuated that the seal that I created was not enough? I was the greatest Sealer Uzushio had seen in generations."

The withering glare that she sent the man was earned.

"I will have you know, shinobi-san, that with the exception of Rin, who has been in a cell in ROOT for nearly 20 years, we all have full control of our partners and their power. Even Rin has spent her time getting to know the sanbi, to better work with it when she gets the chance. Yes, the bijuu are dangerous, but only if provoked, and only if the jailer does not have communication with them."

"How could you possibly know that?"

"In the 20 years that Rin was held captive, did you ever once have the Sanbi rampage?"

"Well, no-"

"And at any point during this battle and the fallout from it, have any of us let their consciousness overtake our own?"

"No," Genma answered. "If anything was going to set you off Sakura, it would be the death of someone close to you. And I know from talking with Kakashi that Naruto and Gaara are the same. The only wild card would have been Rin."

"And yet, there were no incidents," Gaara stated, piercing the unnamed shinobi that had spoken out with a glare that had cowed seasoned Kage's.

"That doesn't mean that it couldn't happen!" a woman yelled, obviously of the same mind as the other shinobi.

"If you would like for us to leave, then that is fine, but we will be taking our alliance with us and you can fend for yourselves against Stone and Cloud and deal with Danzo." This came from Nagato.

"But you aren't a jinchuuriki," the woman said, sweating as she realized the implications.

"No, but you see, I am an Uzumaki, and three of these jinchuuriki are Uzumaki by blood."

The color drained from several faces, remembering what Sakura had said about the Uzumaki's sticking together. If they left, the fallout could be disasterous.

"You have no claim on Nohara-san. She is a Konoha shinobi!"

"Ah, but that is where you are wrong. Rin is an Uzumaki by soulmate relationship," Sakura stated, her smile sharp.

"You said that her soulmate was Obito," Kakashi said, trying to connect dots. Until it clicked. "Ah."

"Ah, what?" Genma asked. "How are Rin and the rest related if she's Obito's soulmate?"

Sakura grinned, giving a slightly sadistic giggle. "You didn't think that I managed to knock myself up my immaculate conception did you Genma?"


Kakashi snorted. "Sakura may be an Uzumaki by blood, but she is an Uchiha by marriage."

Genma's jaw dropped, his eyes travelling to Itachi and Shisui, the other two known Uchiha of Oto. Itachi's lips quirked but he gave the slightest shake of his head before going to stand next to Hinata, placing a hand on her hip.

That only left Shisui.

Sakura jabbed a thumb over her shoulder at the curly haired Uchiha. "Meet the Uchiha clan head from Oto, Shisui Uchiha, my husband and the father of my future children."

Shisui gave Genma a shit eating grin.

"That means that by rights, Sakura can claim Rin as Oto's, as she is not only the Otokage, but also the clan matriarch. This also gives the link to the Uzumakis," Minato piped up from where he was standing with Kushina and Naruto.

"So please, shinobi-san, keep insulting our kin. We will kindly leave everything to you," Mei said, a saccharine smile on her face.

Oto, Suna, Mist, and Ame stood with each other. And the ruling body of Konoha agreed with how they felt.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2021 ⏰

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