Planning and Updates

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Soulmates in this story do not immediately jump into things.  These are ninja.  They do not trust easily, regardless of whether the person is their soulmate or not.  So you will not see them immediately getting all lovey dovey with each other. 


The next several days were spent trying to straighten out various loose ends.

Sakura made plans to travel to various villages and clan compounds in the hopes of gaining allies. Neji took to re-structuring the ANBU forces, Shikamaru was helping Sakura, gathering intelligence on the various clans and villages, trying to parse out which were the most likely to enter alliances. Hinata had taken to the academy with a vengeance, completely overturning most of the policies and creating new ones. A complete overhaul.

Orochimaru and Kabuto had taken to helping the four new members in any way they could. Orochimaru was helping Sakura go through various documents and teaching her how to run the village efficiently. The Snake Sannin was a treasure trove of information, and his assistant had all sorts of intel on the other villages.

Gin, Neji's summon, had returned not long after he delivered their letter to tell them that it had been successfully delivered, and that he had given Sai the all clear to come to them. He had also told them, that when he had found them, they were in the council room, screaming at people. Sakura had laughed. Shikamaru said that he was waiting to see fireworks from the direction of Konoha.

Not too long after Gin had arrived, an owl that Sakura had left in the village showed up with a letter.

Hello you four,

I hope this reaches you in good health. We received your letter and hope that wherever you are, that you are in safe hands. After Shikamaru's letter, there are a great many people calling for blood from the council elders. Danzo has been dealt with, and Shiro-san is taking great pleasure in the interrogation of all three of the Elders, especially once he found out what they had done to Shikamaru.

Tell my friend that I have read his letter, and that I understand, though it will take some time for me to come to terms with it. If you are with him, I know he will keep you safe, regardless of what his reputation may be. Thank him for me.

Best Wishes,

Tsunade Senju

Orochimaru had read the letter over her shoulder. When he had seen what she had written, he'd released a shaky breath.

"Don't worry, Orochimaru. She will come around eventually," Sakura said.

"That's what I'm afraid of," the older man sighed. It was remarkable how personable the man could be when he wasn't playing the crazed villain. "I feel that she will take her frustrations out on me with her fists," he explained, cringing at the thought.

"She's already said that she understands. Just give her some time. She's probably hurt that you didn't tell her from the start. It would have saved her a lot of grief."

"But I couldn't tell her. Danzo threatened to have her killed!"

"Oh I wouldn't worry about him now," Sakura said with a smirk. "The poor old man is being interrogated by the first Head of T & I. He's not going to live for very long, especially since Shiro found out about what was done to Shika."

"Oh, I don't doubt that," Orochimaru said, chuckling.

"So just give her some time, baka. She will come around and want to see you eventually. Kami knows that you two have waited long enough to be happy," Sakura said.

"Did you just call me a baka?" he asked, incredulous.

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