She is Gone

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Late that night, under the cover of darkness, the four former Konoha shinobi started their journey to their new village. They had left a letter at Sakura's, explaining why they left and what Tsunade needed to do, before sealing it so that only Tsunade herself could open it. They didn't need one of Danzo's lackeys finding it and taking it to the man.

It wasn't until Sakura didn't show up for two consecutive shifts at the hospital that anyone went to check on her. When Kakashi had found the letter, sitting innocently on the coffee table of the cleared out apartment, he had a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.

As he watched Tsunade read the letter, tears building in her eyes, he knew that he wouldn't be seeing his favorite student anytime soon. When Tsunade summoned Katsuyu and asked about her apprentice, only to be told that Sakura had summoned her two days earlier and terminated their summon contract, Kakashi finally let it sink in that Sakura was gone, and she wasn't planning on coming back.

Tsunade shoved the letter in his face, before storming out of her office, clearly on a mission to figure something out.

Dear Tsunade-sama,

By the time you read this, I will already be long gone. Do not try to find me, I don't want to be found. I know that this will be hard on you, and for that I am sorry, but I need to get away. My parents dying was really the last straw. Don't let anyone pity me. I don't need it. This has been a long time coming, I just didn't know when I would be leaving. An opportunity was offered to me, and I have accepted. Do not worry, I still hold Konoha in high regard, and I will do everything in my power to keep the village safe, from outside the walls. Do not blame yourself, I have been deeply unhappy for a long time now. The few friends that checked up on me over the last year are coming with me. They know that this will cause problems, but know this. We all love you, and we will all keep Konoha safe, regardless of where we might end up. Tell Naruto that I never blamed him for not bringing Sasuke back, I gave up on that lost cause of a man a long time ago. Tell Kakashi that he will always be the older brother I never had, and that although I am hurt that he didn't come to check in on me, I still love him, and I know that he was only doing his duty by taking all those missions. No hard feelings, sensei. Tell Yamato that he will always be like an older brother to me. I know that he has been out on a long-term mission, and I hope that everything goes smoothly. And tell that idiot Sai to actually watch some social interaction instead of reading all of those books. They aren't the best way to try and understand emotions.I hope that Ino cherishes her precious people. I didn't and look where it got me. Please take care of her. She is going to have a particularly hard time, when she finds out who has left.

I wish this letter was only a goodbye, but it is also a warning, Tsunade. I ran in to your soulmate while I was on my vacation, and he gave me some interesting information.

He knows that you will never forgive him. He has accepted that, but that does not mean that he doesn't care. He told me to warn you. The WarHawk is on the move, so watch your back. He has plans to take your position, and after hearing what he has done, I can't leave, in good faith, without warning you of the danger that you are in. the Roots are still growing, Tsunade, and they are heading right for you. I was told to tell you: look at the old records that the Sandaime kept, his own personal accounts. The Uchiha Massacre is not as it appears.

Be safe, Hokage-sama. I will keep an eye on things, from my end. And remember, none of this was your fault, nor anyone else's, really. It was a long time in coming.

Very Respectfully,

Haruno Sakura

The letter fell from Kakashi's numb fingers just as two very angry clan heads burst into the room.

She is gone.

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