Art is a Bang

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There was silence all around them as they watched the pinkette fall apart. Even as she walked over to Sasori and the two that he had brought back from near death and administered aid, with the help of Kisame who'd shown up as Sasori fell, tears fell from her eyes.

Hidan walked up behind the woman. "Sakura-sama?"

Sakura startled, swinging around, fist glowing with chakra. Hidan had expected it though and jumped back. Sakura took a moment to get her bearings and Hidan bowed.

"Sakura-sama, I knew a priest that taught me the funeral rites for Suna. Would you and Gaara-sama allow me to administer those here until we can bury him wherever his wish was to be laid to rest?"

Gaara walked over upon hearing his name. "If you would, Hidan, that would be greatly appreciated."

So there, with the men and women of the Allied villages watching Sasori of the Red Sand was given his last rites as a hero, having given his life so that two more could live.

And as Sakura watched the man that she saw as a brother lay there while Hidan went through the ritual, she got more and more angry.

Those around her were the first to notice, her chakra starting to roil, a veritable cauldron boiling over. And when they looked over to her, they saw her stiff posture and her glowing green eyes and knew that someone was going to have a very bad day.

"Fuck," Gaara muttered, grabbing TenTen and Deidara and dragging them further from the downright apoplectic pinkette.

"Minato! Tobirama!" Sakura yelled.

The two men were at her side in less than a second.

"I want those two fuckers that think they had a right to invade this godforsaken village in front of me, fucking yesterday."

They didn't even blink. They were just gone. And as the Konoha nin were sitting there muttering about her bossing around two former Hokages like she owned them, the two men were back with two female Oto ANBU and the two invading Kages.

Before anyone had time to even blink, Sakura had launched herself at the Raikage and punched him in the face. The hit was hard enough to send him through two buildings before he stopped. A chain snaked out of one of the female ANBU and wrapped around the man, bringing him back to where they stood, before he could even think to retaliate.

Sakura stood there, breathing heavily in her anger. "Who the fuck do you think you are, to start another goddamn war when you don't even know all of the players?"

"It wasn't like Mist could do anything, and Suna was too far away, plus Konoha was set to fall apart from within," the Raikage snapped, rubbing his aching jaw.

"I beg to differ, Raikage. I can do plenty of damage on my own. Add Ao and Choujuro and we could do more than enough to set you back. As seen today," Mei said, coming up behind Sakura, having just joined the group.

"We didn't know that any of the main villages had other alliances with the smaller villages, let alone that the small villages were a threat," Ohnoki snapped.

""If you weren't so goddamn busy crushing my genin with fucking boulders that wouldn't have been a problem now, would it?" Sakura asked, voice dripping with venom.

"How so?" Ohnoki asked, equally venomous.

"Simple really. If you had simply come to us to see what we were about, rather than trying to pick off our genin teams, you would have had some actual intel, as well as a probable alliance. That's what diplomacy is, you fucking dinosaur." Sakura pulled no punches. She was in no mood to play nice. And if talking like a sailor offended hardened shinobi, then they seriously needed to consider another profession. Seriously.

"Your genin teams were in our territory."

"And you're full of shit, old man," one of the Oto ANBU said as he walked forward.

"Who do you think you are to talk to me like that?" the Tsuchikage ground out.

"I'm the one that found the team that you claim was in your territory. And I know your village's signature anywhere so don't try to backtrack to say it wasn't you. They were in Waterfall country, not even close to the border of Earth either, so don't pull that shit."

"And how would you know our signature?"

"Because I was the victim of it," the ANBU said, taking off their mask to reveal the face of Obito Uchiha, one sharingan eye glowing red. "Your shinobi should have tried harder. Just made it easier for Madara to find me and train me." Obito gave a truly menacing grin.

Before either of the enemy Kages could say anything to that, a heavy gasp was heard from behind Sakura, who immediately whirled around to see Deidara snap to a sitting position.

"Deidara! Thank Kami!" Sakura exclaimed, rushing to the blonde's side.

"Sakura-sama? What happened?" He looked around, TenTen laid next to him unconscious, most of their own contingent was standing around looking ready to fight someone . . . and then his eyes landed on Sasori.

"Someone had better tell me that he's only sleeping," Deidara whispered.

He heard a sob and looked up to his Kage only to see her getting ready to break down. He looked around, alarmed, only to see Hidan and Kisame with equally miserable expressions on their faces.

"What the fuck happened? Someone had better fucking tell me what happened or I'm gonna start blowing shit up!" Deidara was starting to crack.

Sakura knelt down next to the man and wrapped him in a hug. "I'm so sorry, Deidara."

And that's all it took for the blonde to burst into tears. His friend was dead.

"He used that jutsu to save you and TenTen. She's Hidan's soulmate. He wanted the two of you to have a chance to be with your soulmates and live your lives."

"He should have just let me die!" Deidara wailed. "I'm not worth it. I wasn't worth his death. He did so much more for the village."

Those around them watched, the Oto shinobi with tears in their eyes, the others simply watching this S-ranked nin break down in the arms of his Kage.

Sakura pulled back. "That's not true Deidara. You train our genin, you help at the Academy, you go on ANBU missions, you work in Research and Development, you've been working with Kisame in the Emergency Room, and you make so many people so happy with your fireworks. Do you know what Sasori's last words were?"

Deidara shook his head.

"He said, "tell Deidara that I still think art is eternal, but I guess fireworks are pretty awesome too'."

Deidara laughed through his tears. "Art is a bang, yeah!"

Sakura laughed too. "Yeah, Dei. Art is a bang."

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