Explanations and Surprises

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I apologize if this chapter seems  a little mashed.  I have a serious case of writers block.

Sakura sat behind her desk looking at the visiting Suna delegation.

"I know that you find issue with who is in my village, but they really do want to turn over a new leaf. I would like you to stay for a couple days and watch them interact with the rest of the village. They are contributing members of society, and I'm sure that even you could learn something from them. Before-"

She was cut off as three men suddenly appeared next to her desk. Deidara jumped behind Sasori, hiding.

"Deidara!" Tobirama yelled.

Deidara slid out from behind Sasori and his team, looking sheepish.


"You damn near blasted our training grounds to Suna with that last explosion. What the hell?" Hashirama asked.

"Well, you see, umm, Sakura wanted me here immediately, yeah. So, I figured the fastest way to get away from you three freaks of nature was to blow the place to smithereens. You guys had kept me from doing anything for a while. Plus, it's good practice, yeah."

Minato looked like he was about to end the Blonde Bomber. "You are going to wish you were never born by the time the next practice is over, Deidara."

It was at about this point that the three men noticed Sakura glaring at them. They turned to see the Suna delegation. The three men immediately started apologizing to Sakura, only for her to give a tired sigh and wave it off.

"As I was going to say, Gaara, there are some people you need to know about before you go looking around. This is Hashirama, Tobirama, and Minato. Hiruzen is around here somewhere too. I also want you to know that Orochimaru is still alive, regardless of what rumors say of Sasuke killing him. Sasuke is also not the last loyal Uchiha."

As if on cue, two men appeared through a portal, stumbling forward and dropping to their knees.

Sakura raised an eyebrow at the two men. "What the hell did you two do?"

"Aahh, well you see, we may have pissed off Hidan and Kisame."

Hashirama snorted. "Good luck with that."

The door to the office banged open, revealing the two mentioned men, and Sakura face palmed, dragging her hand down her face. "Do none of you understand that I have meetings during the day, and that you may be interrupting something?"

"But these freaky red eyed assholes just lead us on a game of tag, around the damn village, and they cheated!"

"Tag? Really? Are you all really S-ranked shinobi?" Sakura asked, exasperated, as the Sand shinobi watched on in shock.

"Gaara, Temari, Kakuro, I'd like you to meet some of my best shinobi. Apparently, they've been playing tag. This is Kisame and Hidan, as I'm sure you know. And this," She said, gesturing to the first two men, "is Obito and Shisui Uchiha."

Temari looked at the two Uchiha. "You aren't crazy like Sasuke, are you?"

Obito and Shisui grimaced. "No, no we aren't like Sasuke. Not to say that we don't have issues, but Sasuke is a totally different level."

"Both of you are supposed to be dead," Gaara stated.

"There are a lot of people in this room that are supposed to be dead," Hidan drawled. "The Nara Bitch blew me up and buried the pieces. Pinky beat Puppet Fetish's puppet body until it died, Uchiha Number One was apparently crushed by a boulder, Uchiha Number Two sacrificed himself, and then you have the Hokages."

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