Rin's Story

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When they exited the compound, Neji let out a huge sigh of relief. "That went better than I thought it would."

Shisui chuckled. "Sakura didn't really give them any opportunity to dispute anything."

Hinata giggled. "That's the best council meeting I've ever been to."

Hiashi came up behind them, quickly being followed by Hanabi. "Hina!"

"Hanabi-chan," Hinata said with a gentle smile.

Hiashi smiled at the two Hyuugas. "It's good to see the two of you so happy. I have to say, when I told them that you had left with Sakura-sama, I was more than a little happy. I'm glad that the two of you got away when you did, and that you are prospering in your new village. I thank you, Sakura-sama, for all that you have done for my daughter and my nephew."

He turned to Itachi. "Whatever the elders may say, I hold no ill will toward any Uchiha's, and when I saw how happy Hinata was with you, I could not have been happier. Please, continue to treat her well. I hope that we may be able to visit at some time in the future."

Itachi gave the older man a nod and a small upturn of the lips. "It is my pleasure, Hyuuga-sama."

"You're really Hinata's soulmate?" Hanabi asked.

Itachi nodded. Before he could react, the younger girl had thrown herself at him, capturing him in a hug. "Thank you, Uchiha-san, for taking care of my Nee-san."

Hanabi rushed back to her father's side as Shisui laughed at the stunned expression on Itachi's face.

Hiashi chuckled. "We will not keep you any longer. I am sure that you have other things to be doing."

With that, the two turned back to the compound and disappeared within.

"Well, he was right about that. Where to next, the hospital?" Shisui asked.

Sakura nodded. "Time to see if Nohara-san is awake."

When they arrived at the hospital, Sakura could see her men already posted around the building and on various other rooftops surrounding it. When she went inside, she saw Kisame talking to Tsunade and Shizune.

"Sakura!" Shizune exclaimed, happy to see her after the chaos of the rescue.

"Hey, Shizune. How is our patient?"

Tsunade smiled. "Rin is doing well. She just woke up. She was obviously a bit confused, but she seems to be adjusting fairly well. She hasn't let go of Obito's hand since she woke up."

Sakura smiled. That was good to hear. "Can we see her? I need to ask her some things before I go back to T & I."

Tsunade nodded.

"Sai, can you go find Hidan. And Neji, Hinata, if you could go find, Hashirama and Tobi and go keep an eye on things at T & I while we are here."

With nods, they were all off to complete their tasks. Hidan appeared not too long after, explaining that Sai had taken his place on watch. "You are here as the T & I head for this, okay Hidan? I need you to document everything that she says, exactly as she says it. Itachi, you and Shisui are to act in your official capacities as Psychiatrists. Shika, you are here to get anything that Hidan might miss. Do we all understand?"

With nods, Sakura lead the four men into the hospital room.

Rin was sitting up in the bed, holding Obito's hand, speaking to her old team, a smile on her face. Minato was leaned up against the far wall, watching the door, Kakashi was perched on the window sill, and Obito was sitting in the chair next to the bed.

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