Another Tailed Beast

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Sakura let her senses wonder for a moment as they stood outside the hospital, getting a bearing on their next destination.

When they didn't immediately make for T & I the people with her gave her a questioning look. "We have one more to pick up before we speak to the jinchuuriki thief," was all she said.

My brother is two hundred meters ahead, Sakura.

Sakura had gotten used to the voice over the past couple of years. It had taken a lot out of her to take on such a burden, but the outcome was something she never could have imagined. Chomei had become a friend to her, and she and her tailed beast had completed the transformation recently. Until Rin had told her story, she had not wanted to reveal what she had done, what she had mastered, but Danzo had gone too far. She didn't give a damn at this point if the others knew. These men were her friends, her family, and they were willing to lay down their lives for her. They deserved to know. The other villages involved would only know because of the Alliance.

"Gaara!" Sakura called, gaining the attention of the Kazekage and his siblings.

The three made their way to Sakura, joining the procession as they changed directions and made their way to T & I now.

"I want you to meet Rin Nohara, Obito's soulmate, and the jinchuuriki to the three tails. She's been held prisoner by Danzo for the past twenty years."

Gaara's eyes widened as Temari and Kankuro cursed colorfully. "Why do you need us?"

"I figured the more jinchuuriki, the better."

Brows shot up. "What do you plan?" Temari asked.

Sakura looked for someplace that they could speak privately. She didn't need this bombshell to get out before she wanted it to.

With a quick gesture she moved them toward Naruto's apartment, since it was only a block away.

When everyone had entered, she looked around. All her boys were there, Kakashi, Rin, Naruto, and the Sand Siblings along with them.

"Some people are in the know about this, others are about to find out an SS-class Oto secret, until such a time as it is disseminated to others. I'm sure some of you have noticed that I've been disappearing for a few hours each day?"

There were nods.

"I've been going through some rigorous training," Sakura started. "The Hokage's know of what has been going on, and I'm sure that Rin, Gaara, and Naruto can sense a change in my chakra."

Rin gasped. "You're?"

Sakura nodded. "I've been training with two bijuu experts on controlling Chomei, for a couple of years now."

"Chomei?" Gaara, Rin, and Naruto asked.

There was a brief pause before all three snapped attention back to her. "You hold the seven tails?"

Sakura nodded. "When Pein released the bijuu, he asked if I would take on one of the bijuu. Chomei does best with female containers, and had suggested that he didn't want to go back to Taki because of the treatment of his containers previously. Pein knew that Konan wouldn't survive the process so came to the next best person, wanting to keep Chomei within the Alliance. He figured that my training with Tsunade might help me, and it did. But then came the issue of training, because even though Chomei didn't mind being contained, and didn't mind me, it didn't mean that I wasn't going to have to prove that I deserved to wield that power. So two more people were brought back by Orochimaru and Kabuto, but we didn't want to endanger them in case word got out to Danzo, as he seems to have a bit of a vendetta against the family. So we trained in secret."

"But who are the two experts? Who could possibly help to contain a tailed beast? Only the-" In a rare display of emotion, Itachi's mouth popped open as his eyes grew to the size of saucers. "You brought them back?"

"Who?" Naruto asked, confused.

Itachi was hurriedly flying through code with the boys. As more and more caught on, mouths dropped open.

"Well shit, Pinky. No wonder the bijuu bowed down. Those chains can't be comfortable."

"Chains?" Rin asked, before it seemed to dawn on her.

"Kushina!" Rin exclaimed, a smile blooming on her face.

Kakashi and Obito looked to Sakura gobsmacked. "What?"

Sakura nodded. "Kushina and Mito Uzumaki trained me."

"Holy shit," Hidan muttered.

Everyone had heard the legends of the Uzumaki, but these two women were legends in their own rights, both wives to Hokages, and both with Chakra Chains said to create no small amount of destruction, not to mention the capabilities they had outside of that.

"Mom is alive?" Naruto asked.

Sakura nodded, smiling. "They're both back in Oto right now, but there are plans to find the remaining Uzumaki and possibly rebuild Uzu."

"So they helped you gain control over your tailed beast?" Sasori asked.

Sakura nodded. "Chomei and I are just as in sync as Naruto and Gaara are with their companions. And I suspect that Rin is also close to, if not at, our level as well."

Deidara gave a hysterical sort of giggle. "We are standing with five jinchuuriki of four tailed beasts. And we aren't trying to kill them. I like this way much more."

Smiles and nods were seen throughout the apartment.

"What's the plan Sakura?" Kakashi asked. Sakura stopped for a moment, amazed at the recognition she was getting now. And then she grinned. "Well Kakashi-sensei, we're about to give a lot of people a very rude awakening."

Hidan cackled as the plan was laid out. 

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