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They made quite an entrance into the T & I building.

Kakashi and Sakura walked in dragging a very bland, regular looking Konoha shinobi between them. Gaara and his siblings were trailing after with Naruto and the entirety of the Oto contingent, all in their full ANBU regalia.

When they came in, all conversation and activity in the waiting area stopped. The first to recover was the desk clerk, who managed to squawk something as they disappeared around a corner and down the stairs to the bowels of the building.

"Foreigners aren't allowed down there!"

The statement went unanswered, and the clerk ran off in search of someone that would know what to do. The boss is gonna kill me!

The cell that Danzo and the elders had been transferred to was maximum security. It took Kakashi or Ibiki swiping a special card in six different doors just to get to, and you had to be with one of them to gain access. There were only three holding cells and one cell for questioning in this particular cell block, and minus the cell block beneath this one, used only for holding jinchuuriki, this was the lowest you could go into the bowels of the building, and the highest security it could get.

When Kakashi, Sakura, and their entourage appeared through the last door, Ibiki knew that his day had just gone to such a level of shit that even he couldn't comprehend it.

"I hardly think that three old fogies like us require such high security, Morino," Danzo sniffed. He was obviously put out that he didn't have access to his cronies anymore.

"Judging by the legion that just showed up, I highly doubt that, Danzo-san," Nagato said.

Kakashi turned to Ibiki and started signing in a code only the two of them knew. In an instant he was gone, taking several of the Konoha nin with him.

Nagato raised a curious eyebrow but said nothing,

Kakashi brought forward the man that he and Sakura had been dragging between them. At seeing him, Danzo gave the slightest twitch. Sakura smiled.

Ibiki returned with Skikaku and Inoichi in tow, only giving the slightest nod to Kakashi. It is done.

Sakura snapped her fingers, gesturing toward two of the cloaked figures behind her. As they came forward they took off their masks, revealing Itachi and Hidan, both with small sadistic smirks on their faces. Hidan took out a kunai that he had taken up for his interrogation job, designed to do the same thing as his scythe did, and just barely nicked the plain looking man between Sakura and Kakashi. He squirmed in their hold. Hidan chuckled as he licked the kunai and his entire body changed, taking on it's signature skeletal look. He then drew the Jashin symbol on the floor of the hallway. He looked to Sakura first, then Kakashi, asking permission, before he took the kunai and ever so slowly traced a bloody line across the palm of his hand. He wanted to check the man's pain tolerance.

The man gasped but said nothing, and made no more noise. Hidan then upped the ante. He stabbed the kunai right through his hand, the same wound appearing on the other man. This time there was a whimper. Hidan gave a grim smile to Sakura and then turned to Itachi, nodding.

When the man saw Itachi approach, he nearly went into hysterics. Everyone had heard about the Clan Killer. Everyone knew what he could do. He had left more than one person in a comatose state, no brain function at all. Others stared in to space screaming for days before dying.

He trying to scrunch his eyes closed, to keep from making eye contact but Itachi merely grabbed the man's face, raised his eyelids the slightest bit, and it was done.

The screaming started within seconds. Then it stopped and the man was brought out from under Itachi's influence.

As his eyes cleared, Hidan raised his kunai, this time to his chest, having stripped to the waist while Itachi worked.

"No, don't. Don't! I'll tell you what you want to know!"

Hidan raised an eyebrow.

"Danzo-sama has been planning to overthrow the Hokage for years."

Hidan and Itachi looked at each other. Seriously.

They looked back to the man with a look that practically screamed, Try harder.

The man only whimpered. Hidan slashed his own chest, going from left to right. It would inflict pain but it wouldn't disembowel the guy.

The man screamed. Itachi took the opportunity to swoop in and make eye contact again. There is no saying what was said or done in Tsukuyomi. This time there was no screaming, only whimpers.

Ibiki and the others watched on in stunned silence as the entire interrogation was done in complete silence on the part of the interrogators.

This time when the man came out of it he said, "Cloud and Stone are in on it!"

Itachi raised an eyebrow, turning to Hidan. Hidan shrugged. Meh.

Another slash across the chest, another scream. This time when the man went under with Itachi, there was a lot of screaming.

"Stop! Stop! The Kage's are bringing the jinchuuriki. Danzo-sama wants to double cross them to get their bijuu. He was going to kill their jinchuuriki."

Sakura curled her lip in disgust. Kakashi just barely managed to keep from lunging through the bars at Danzo.

Hidan looked at the kunai in contemplation. He shrugged before slamming the kunai through his left shoulder.

The man screamed.

Itachi looked at Hidan, an eyebrow raised. Really?

Hidan shrugged. Not enough.

Sakura sighed. The others turned to her, only to find her looking bored as she stood back and leaned against the wall. She gestured her hand in a circular motion, rolling her eyes. Come on, hurry it up.

Itachi took the an under again. More screaming.

"They're coming! They're coming today! That's why I was told to make Raido-san sick and take his place. I was instructed to take out the Hokage so that Danzo-sama could take control and then he would have control of Konoha and the tailed beasts of Konoha, Cloud, and Stone."

Sakura snapped her fingers and made a different circular motion in the air. Wrap it up.

Hidan grinned, gesturing to Itachi. Itachi made eye contact one last time and the man went as limp as wet noodles.

Sakura turned to Danzo and grinned as those around the strange group of Oto and allies stared at them in awed horror.

They had just done an interrogation in complete silence. They still had yet to speak a word.

And they had gotten more information in twenty minutes than Konoha's T & I had managed to get on Danzo in years of reconnaissance.

What kind of village had Sakura created.

Her DestinyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant