Meeting the Soulmate (Surprise?)

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Again, I remind you that soulmates will not immediately jump right into things.

A knock on the door of the office was all the warning she had.

And when the person walked in, she felt her heart stutter and her face drain of color.

This wasn't possible.

She looked over to Kabuto, standing next to a shell- shocked Shikamaru who had no doubt recognized the man that just walked through the door, to see a guilty look on his face.

Sakura's eyes narrowed. That old snake bastard knew. He and Kabuto knew. She was going to beat them to a pulp, once she was finished having a heart attack over the fact that her soulmate just walked through the door.

The man that had just walked through the door watched the exchange with interest, his eyes catching the glare that his new Kage sent her assistant.

He cleared his throat. "I'm sorry, Otokage-sama. Did I come at a bad time?"

"No, no. Nothing like that. I'm sorry, Kabuto-san just reminded me of something that I don't particularly want to deal with at the moment."

"It's okay, Otokage-sama. My name is Shisui Uchiha. I just returned to the village from a bounty run."

Sakura's heart fluttered at the sound of his voice. It was deep, with a slight rasp, and so incredibly sexy. He was a beautiful man.

He stood at around six feet, maybe slightly over, and his eyes were black at the moment, showing that he was not using his Sharingan, which brought about a question in her mind. I thought that Danzo had taken one of his eyes? And that Itachi had the other? His eyes were soft, kind. Most people would think that black eyes would leave the man with a cold look but his eyes were incredibly warm, for a man that had been through what he had.

He had high cheekbones and a strong jaw, giving him an almost sculpted appearance. His messy black hair was cut shorter than most everyone she had seen from the Uchiha Clan, but it suited him. He had broad shoulders and a narrow waist, the uniform he was wearing accentuating this, as well as hinting at the muscles hidden beneath.

She was doomed.

"Ah, Shunshin no Shisui. I wasn't aware that any more Uchiha's were alive, besides Sasuke and Itachi."

The man rubbed the back of his neck, looking sheepish. "Ha ha. Well, that's a long story."

"I've got the time, Shisui-san. This is Shikamaru Nara, Neji Hyuuga, and Hinata Hyuuga. You can call me Sakura. I was on a team with your cousin, Sasuke, before he pulled his disappearing act."

Shisui's eyes widened. "But, aren't you Konoha Shinobi?" he asked.

Shikamaru laughed. "No. There are some grievances that even we couldn't brush under the rug. But Sakura is still on good terms with Tsunade-sama and we still help them when needed. It was our information that took down the council a month or so ago."

Shisui gaped. "Then Danzo?"

"Currently being held by T&I. As well as Homura and Koharu. I imagine that they are at the mercy of Shiro Nara right about now."

Shisui sagged in a relief, letting a breath out that he hadn't even realized that he was holding. "Oh, thank Kami," he whispered.

"You know, I may be able to get your eye back," Sakura stated.

His head whipped around to her, eyes wide. "What?"

"I'm a medic ninja, first and foremost, and if I can convince Tsunade of the need for the eye for research purposes, then I would be able to give you your eye back. Does Itachi know that you are still alive, Shisui?"

The man's face crumpled. "Um, no Sakura-san. I have not seen him since I attempted to end my life."

A sharp pain rippled across Sakura's chest. Her soulmate had tried to kill himself, just to stop further issues between the village and his clan. How could she forget how he had, supposedly, died? Her heart hurt.

"I am going to Ame in the next week to speak to Pein, the Leader of Akatsuki, but he is also the Kage of Ame. I can ask about Itachi, if you would like. I know that Itachi has been orchestrating things, behind the scenes, for years. He plans to die at Sasuke's hands, and Sasuke is more than willing. I've seen Danzo's files. I know exactly what happened that night, but Sasuke never did take Kakashi-sensei's advice and look underneath the underneath."

Shisui gave her a weird look. "Kakashibecame a sensei?"

Shikamaru chuckled. "A pretty lazy one, but yeah. He trained Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto Uzumaki until Sasuke left after the Chuunin Exams. Then all of them ended up being trained by the Sannin."

Shisui's eyebrows rose. "Kakashi? Lazy?"

"He took on his old teammate's persona, especially after you and Itachi were gone. He blamed himself for Itachi going rogue. He blames himself for his genin team's deaths. Blames himself for Minato's death. His way of coping was to take on his dead teammate's personality and beliefs, passing them on to us."

Shisui flinched. "That guy always did have a complex," he muttered.

Sakura chuckled. "Yeah. He's an odd guy. But he's a great teammate, and loyal to a fault."

"Yeah, too bad he can't let things go."

"Shisui, I need to know if you want your eyes back. If you do, I can ask Tsunade, and attempt to get the one that Itachi has. But if you don't then I need to know what you want done with them."

Shisui stood silently for a moment, before saying, "I would like my eyes back, if at all possible."

At that moment, a man with startlingly pale skin and a cropped shirt, walked through the door. "Well that is nice, Shisui-san because I just happen to have one of them."

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