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The last chapter was pretty short, so here's a longer one hehe comments are really appreciated! :) 

You've been talking to Eren more lately. What he showed you in that book really made you think about your decision on which regiment you were going to choose. How big is the world? What else is there besides titans beyond the walls? These questions were running through your mind everyday now.

As you lay on Jean's chest as he stroked your hair, you felt your heart ache at the thought of not being with him after your training. "I can't wait till we can get out of here." Jean sighed and squeezed you tighter. "What do you have planned after this, Mr. Kirschtein?" You smirked and chuckled.

"Once I'm in the Military Police, I'm going to have a blast." You rolled your eyes as you looked up and saw him with his stupid cocky smirk on his face. "And you're going to visit me on your days off." Your eyes shot open at his statement. Looking at him, his eyes were still closed and he was smiling as if he was in the middle of a good dream.


"When you're in the Garrison. I heard they have days off when taking shifts. You're going to visit me in the interior." He said it with such conviction that your breath hitched. "What's wrong?" Jean's eyes finally opened and looked down at you with concern in his eyes. "Nothing...what makes you think I'm gonna visit you huh?!" You chuckled to lighten his mood and it worked, he laughed and placed another arm around you.

"Because you can't get enough of me, can you?" Jean leaned down and tried to place a chaste kiss on your lips which you teasingly dodged. "Hey! Come on!" He laughed as he tried to kiss you once more but you blocked it with your forearm.

"Seriously, I'm going to make sure I see you after this." His voice was low and he looked at you so intensely that your heart stopped, then began to ache knowing you weren't sure you were joining the Garrison anymore. He smiled lightly and finally placed a kiss on your lips.

The next few weeks, you noticed yourself paying more attention in training catered to the Survey Corps. You took more time to memorize all the expedition formations, you paid more attention to Titan anatomy class and you pushed yourself more in 3MG training.

One day you pushed yourself to the limit and your gear almost malfunctioned that you had to stop and remove your gear on a tree branch. You heard someone land on there as well and looked up to see Jean with an angry look on his face. "Are you fucking serious, Y/N?!" He yelled as he helped you up. "What?! My gear malfunctioned, that's all?"

"That's because you're being careless! Do you realize you could have hurt yourself back there?!" Jean suddenly grabbed your shoulders and shook you. "I know what I'm doing!" You shrugged off his hold and began to try to fix your gear.

"Why are you being so reckless all of a sudden?" you continued to ignore him as he went on. "You've never been like this before, what's wrong with you?" You dug your nails into your fists to stop yourself from fighting back.

"It's only training!" Jean was still berating you from behind and you gritted your teeth. "It's not only training."

"The Garrison barely uses ODM gear anyways." Jean rolled his eyes and you bit your tongue to stop yourself from telling him your uncertainty with the Garrison.

"Just forget it alright?" You stood up as you fixed your gear and turned to look at Jean who was giving you a confused look.

"Let me take you down." He began to walk towards you but you backed away. "I got it." you left on your own leaving Jean with a worried look on his face.

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