Don't let your mouth get you into something your ass can't handle

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It was another day training with the 104th Cadet Corps and you were in the dining hall seated with Connie, Sasha and Armin. 3MG gear training just finished and you were proud of yourself for sharing the highest rank in class with Mikasa. Sasha was eating her loaf of bread like she's never eaten in her life before with Connie staring at her in bewilderment while Armin was asking you for advice about combat training this afternoon.

"I've been having a hard time countering attacks...I know what to do but I just can't seem to predict my opponent's movements..." Armin stated while looking down at his hands. "It's best to study their body movements. Observe where they're shifting their weight to, so you know which side they're at their weakest. It's all about observation. It's tricky but once you get it, you'll be countering every punch or kick in no time!" You assured him as he smiled lightly at you.

"I can't believe I have to spar with Potato Girl today." Connie rolled his eyes while Sasha shot daggers at him with a mouth full of food. "I've got Marco, he's always been helpful so I can work on my countering attacks with him." Armin sighed in relief.

"Who have you got, Y/N?" Sasha asked while chewing on her bread. "I'm with Jean."

"Oh, he hasn't lost has he..." Armin said. "Yeah, but I haven't lost either." You smirked. You couldn't wait to spar with Jean, actually. He walks around with that cocky grin on his face thinking he's better than everyone. He and Eren get into fights almost every day over the stupidest things and it infuriated you.

"Ready to get your ass whooped, Y/L/N." A smug voice rang in your ear as you looked up to Jean towering over you with his arms crossed.

"In your dreams, Horse face." You shot back and Jean's smirk turned into a scowl. "You know, I can go easy on you if you ask nicely."

"I'd rather drop dead." Smiling innocently at him, he scoffed and turned to walk away. "Don't say I didn't warn you when I kick your ass later."

"You're an idiot if you think I'm losing to someone joining the Military Police." You shot back and Jean stopped. "We'll see about that."

"Ugh, I can't wait to wipe that smug grin off that Horse face." You turned back to your table in anger.

"Oh, this is going to be interesting." Connie chuckled and high fived Sasha.

It was finally time for combat training and you couldn't wait to put Jean in his place. Yes, he was stronger than you, but you were faster and more agile than he was. You made your way up to the training field and Jean was already in place.

You walked towards him and smirked while he had that stupid cocky grin on his face. "Are you sure you don't want me to go easy on you?" he teased.

"Don't let your mouth get you into something your ass can't handle, Jean." You rolled your eyes and took your stance.

"If you wanna know what my mouth I can do, I can probably show you better than I can tell you." Other than being a cocky asshole, Jean was known to be the biggest flirt and hit on almost all the girls in the cadet corps.

"BEGIN!" Shadis' voice suddenly echoed in the air and Jean immediately lunged at you. But you dodged him. You kicked his shin and he bent down but he grabbed your arm and twisted it so your back was facing his.

Wiggling your way through, you turned back to face him and kicked him in his stomach which caused him to bend down in pain. You were about to knee him in his head but he grabbed you by the waist and tackled you onto the floor. You quickly wrapped your legs around his waist and squeezed his body into a submission lock. He pinned your arms over your head but you just squeezed your legs tighter and he grunted in pain.

"ENOUGH! COMBAT TRAINING IS OVER!" Shadis yelled. As he walked passed you and Jean to assess the winner, he declared it was a draw which caused you to shout in frustration.

When Shadis left, you hadn't noticed that you and Jean haven't moved from your position, with him on top of you and your legs wrapped around his waist. You locked eyes with his and then quickly looked away and blushed as you released him from your leg lock and the both of you got up.

There was an awkward silence between the two of you so you immediately stomped off the training grounds.

At the dining hall, you were still annoyed that Shadis declared your fight with Jean to be a draw. You stood up and left but decided to return to the training grounds to let off some steam with a punching bag.

You were busy letting out your anger until you heard footsteps behind you.

"You know I won, right." A cocky voice suddenly rang in your ear and you knew it was Jean.

"I had you in a submission hold, dumbass." You said through gritted teeth as you continued your boxing session.

"I pinned you. That means I won!" he walked closer which only made you more annoyed. Suddenly, you shifted your target from the punching bag to Jean. You swung at him but he dodged your punch but his facial expression showed he was shocked at your outburst. "WHAT THE—"

You swung again but this time he caught your fist. "I want a rematch."

Jean smirked with delight at your request then suddenly swept you from under your legs. "AGH!" you looked up and saw him smirking in triumph but you suddenly kicked his shin which gave you time to get up. He swung at you but missed then you elbowed his chin which caused him to stagger back.

He reached out to hit your side but you dodged him then swept him with your feet. He fell with a thud and you smirked above him. Suddenly, Jean grabbed your leg before you could jump away from him and he had you in a leg-lock. You twisted your body to try to escape but he kept holding on. You managed to slither out and stand back up and he was up on his feet as well.

You swung and he dodged then you kneed his stomach, which caused him to curl over. But then he grabbed your waist then flipped you so your back was facing his and had you in a headlock. You struggled to walk to a nearby tree then you kicked, trying to flip over but Jean pulled you back as soon as your legs were in the air and you were back in the headlock. You attempted to elbow him but he dodged know you were face-to-face with Jean's arms on your shoulders and your arms wrapped around his. You stared at each other for a moment, not knowing what the other would do, then Jean's eyes softened for a moment as you realized your faces were so close together. Your grip on his arms loosened as you attempted to break away, confused about what was going on like this never happened before when the both of you sparred. Suddenly, Jean pinned your arms above your head and looked straight into your eyes. Confused, you tried to escape but he pressed his hips on yours, and you were stuck. Both of you were breathing heavily and you noticed Jean's gaze shift down to your lips.

"Jean what are you—" before you could finish, Jean's lips crashed onto yours. Your eyes shot open in surprise but quickly grabbed onto his hair as he pressed his body closer to yours. You felt his tongue on your lips, begging for entrance and you parted yours, allowing Jean in. Jean snaked his arms around your waist as you arched your back forward to feel his body close to him.

You quickly flipped him so his back was against the post and he smirked at your sudden desire for him. Before he could say anything you kissed him deeply and you heard a moan escape his lips. Suddenly, you kneed him in his stomach and he yelled out in surprise as you pushed your forearm on his neck. "I win." You smirked, and walked away, leaving Jean breathless and stunned. 

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