The Female Titan

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Dialogue and order aren't canon with anime!

Jean couldn't believe what he was seeing. He's seen abnormal titans before. But this one looked different. Its body looked more human despite its size and the female titan's features were more defined and less distorted. He fired off a signal flare to alert the others on the formation of the female titan.

"A-Armin! What is that?!" Jean yelled as he finally reached Armin and Reiner. "I think it's looking for Eren." Armin yells as he rides next to Jean. "What do you mean looking for Eren?" Before Armin could answer, Reiner catches up with them.

"We have to slow it down." Jean commands and he charges towards the titan. Standing on his horse he shoots his thunder spear to the titan's calf. She stumbles lightly but dodges it leaving Jean without a horse.

Jean's eyes grow in fear as the titan makes her way to Armin. She effortlessly swipes Armin's horse off its feet leaving Armin on the ground with his gear torn apart.

Jean rushes to Armin by foot as the titan towers over him. Shooting spears into the titan's back, Jean attempts to slice its nape. Jean realizes this titan is intelligent as it swipes at him with precise movements. The titan covers its nape and Jean is left in the air with no way out. This is it, Jean thought, he was going to die. His mind instantly went to you, he wondered if you were alright and safe. He began to curse himself he couldn't protect you as he knew the female titan would make its way towards the rest of the Scouts. Suddenly, Armin's voice rung through his ears.

"JEAN! Avenge the bastard who rushed to his death!" The female titan stopped as soon as Armin yelled. Armin continued screaming about avenging someone who the titan killed in the right flank. Jean tried to figure out what Armin was trying to say but he was stumped. Thanks to Armin's distraction, Jean was able to land on the ground but was concerned about Armin's sanity.

Suddenly, Reiner charges in while Armin goes on about his best friend being crushed under the Female Titan's foot. Reiner suddenly charges towards it's nape, giving Jean hope that Reiner could kill it. But, she suddenly captures Reiner in its hand and crushes him. Jean and Armin stare at the scene in disbelief as the titan pushes Reiner's head in.

"H-hey..." Jean froze. Jean lost all hope. Reiner was known to be one of the best among their graduates and he was crushed by the titan. Out of nowhere, Reiner jumps out of the titan's grip and rushes and picks up Armin.

"LETS GO!" Reiner shouts and Jean follows.

They make it out safely but, only Reiner's horse is to be found. "FUCK!" Jean yells as he continues to attempt to call his horse back. He curses at the fact that they can't all fit on one house and one of them would be left behind.

As he continued to whistle he heard the sounds of a horse's gallop behind him. Jean turns back and sees you there with his horse—Jean couldn't have seen a better sight. Just when he lost hope, you're here...and you saved him.

"Jean!" You yell as you approach them. "A-are you alright?" You ask, worry plastered all over your face as you you let go of Jean's horse that walks towards him.

"I am now." Jean smirks. You roll your eyes and laugh at your boyfriend's suggestive comment.

"Y/N...Thank God you came." Armin and sighs. "What happened? Your head..." you began noticing Armin's bandages on his head. They filled you in on the female titan and you couldn't believe it. Everyone had the assumption that titans were mindless beings, but after hearing about this, it made you more curious than frightened.

The four of you made your way to the forest and were directed to be stationed on branches on the large trees. Jean was seated in front of you as you waited for the next instructions.

"I thought I lost you..." he whispered out of nowhere. His eyes were looking down as he swung his legs from the branch. "Me?! I thought I lost you!" Jean's eyes shot up towards you. "When I saw your horse...without you on it...I thought..." you shut your eyes at the memory of seeing Jean's horse and the feeling of your heart dropping to your stomach when he wasn't on it. Suddenly, you felt jean's hand on yours caressing your palm. "I told you I'd protect you right?" Jean whispered, but your eyes were still shut. "Hey...look at me." He grabbed your chin with his hands and you opened your eyes. "I'm not going anywhere."

"I'd tell you guys to get a room but...we're stuck on these trees." Connie rolls his eyes and Sasha chuckles. Jean glares at him but you just laugh. "I don't think we know everything about the mission." Armin states and you all turn to face him.

"What do you mean?" You ask. Armin confides to the others about his belief that their commander had suspected a spy amongst them but declined to reveal this knowledge. He stated he assumes only a few members of the Scouts were told the real plan which is why even some of the veterans of the regiment were left in the dark.

"We lured that Female Titan here so we could capture it, I bet. That's the only reason I can think of for why they only told certain soldiers about this operation. But does that mean there are humans in our ranks who are trying to destroy the Walls?" Jean grimaced but Armin stated Erwin must have had a good reason for it.

While the soldiers of the Survey Corps speculated among themselves concerning what Erwin Smith's plan of action was, the veterans made several attempts to extract the human pilot from the nape of the Female Titan, only to discover that the Female had the ability to harden its skin to the point where blades were entirely ineffective. Commander Erwin ordered Keiji to prepare explosives to detach the limbs of the Female Titan, and Levi took the opportunity to intimidate the Female. Realizing that she was cornered, Annie used her Female Titan's scream to attract all the Titans in the area around the forest to her position. Erwin gave the order for all soldiers to defend the Female at any cost, but Annie succeeded in escaping unharmed from her Titan under the cover of the great amounts of steam emitted from her Titan and the falling Titans around her.

You look at the others and they all started to panic. The female titan is gone and you all look at each other in disbelief. Erwin gives the command to retreat as the veterans along with Eren seem to be making a way out as well.

The mission was a fail. All of Squad Levi has been killed and Eren was almost eaten by the female titan.

You were sitting outside HQ then Bertholdt sits down next to you. "What's wrong?" He asks and you tell him about your fear over the spy within the regiment. "It's hard for me to believe that...people who've trained with or even know among us..." You begin and Bertholdt remains quiet. "It's worse for me than the titans...someone betraying us after everything." Berhtoldt gulps then leans back. " long as you know who you can trust...and remember that...there are two sides to every story." Bertholdt got up and left making you question his last statement. "There are two sides to every story." You repeated and tried to make sense of what Bertholdt meant.

That night as you were tangled with Jean in your bed. You told him about your worries about the spy and he huffed.

"What's wrong?" you looked up at him. "It's just..." Jean began and he looked towards the ceiling.

"There's so much we don't know about the within the walls? What aren't they telling us?" Jean sighs. You snuggle close to him and he smiles. "I'm sure whatever it's for a good reason...I just can't believe someone we know is one of them." He kisses the top of your forehead.

"Just know that no matter who it is, I'm not going to let anyone harm you alright?" Jean looks at you and pulls you closer.

"As long as I'm here, you'll be safe." He said and he crashes his lips onto yours. 

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