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 As Eren begins to wake up, the Scouts attempt to slow the Armored Titan. Ymir keeps them away until Mikasa arrives, going for a killing blow against Bertholdt. Reiner shields Bertholdt within the Armored Titan's hands and Mikasa breaks her blades trying to get him, giving him a death glare.

Ymir swings at Mikasa and she, prepared to kill Ymir, turns her attention towards her until Historia comes between them, claiming that Ymir is being forced to join Reiner and Bertholdt. Mikasa shows no sympathy, stating that she will kill Ymir if the two prevent her from rescuing Eren. Listening to Historia's pleas, Ymir no longer interferes.

The rest of land on Reiner as well as Mikasa continues to glare at Bertholdt. "BERTHOLDT! Are you really doing this?" Jean's voice rings in your ears. The sound of his voice was a mix of anger and sadness. Looking up at him, despite claiming that he hated him, there was sense of disbelief in Jean's voice.

"Come on...we-we trained together for three years...were you pretending the whole time." Connie yells and you could see the sadness in his voice as well.

"We'd always make fun of your sleeping we trained together for three years.."Jean begins. "YOU TOLD ME WE'D GROW OLD TOGETHER AND DRINK TOGETHER!" Connie yells at Bertholdt who is shaking and covering his face, but he doesn't break.

"Bertholdt..." at the sound of your voice, Berhtoldt finally looks up. His eyes are filled with tears and he shivers as he looks at you. "B-bertholdt—" you attempt to move closer to him but Jean holds you in your place. You look up at Jean and he has his arm in front of you, as if to protect you from Bertholdt.

"Was everything a lie? Y-you told me a lot of things, I told you everything. W-we spent hours talking—" your voice broke as tears began to stream down your face. "UGH!" Jean curses at the site of you almost trembling in front of Bertholdt.

"BERTHOLDT! COME OUT NOW!" Jean's composure quickly changes as he begins to attempt to get Bertholdt out.

Out of nowhere, Berhtoldt breaks.

"I NEVER WANTED ANY OF THIS!" he begins screaming causing all of you to freeze. "I NEVER WANTED TO DO ANY OF IT."


"THEN WHY?!" Jean shouts but before he could continue, Mikasa pushes him away.

"The GIVE US EREN." Mikasa commands but Bertholdt shakes his head. "I-I can't do that...Y/N...I-it wasn't a lie—"

"YOU DON'T GET TO TALK TO HER!" Jean's says through gritted teeth. "NO. I need to hear this."

"I-it wasn't a lie..the things I told you...were real...everything. I never told anyone what you told me...not even Reiner...believe me." Bertholdt was sobbing, and your heart ached. You considered him to be your best friend and also cursed yourself for not realizing he was the spy sooner.

Before you could respond, Hannes interrupts their conversation, warning them of an incoming attack from the front. Erwin and the soldiers, luring a horde of Titans, are heading straight for Reiner.

As the recruits remount their horses, the soldiers disperse at Erwin's orders and the Titans approach Reiner. Bracing for impact, the Armored Titan charges into the horde. Ymir and Historia escape as Reiner is swarmed by Titans, unable to move. Commander Erwin immediately rallies the troops for a final charge, urging them to dedicate their hearts and rescue Eren at all costs. The Military Police do not follow, though their leader is soon caught and eaten by a Titan. Overwhelmed by the horde holding him down, Reiner begins to shove the Titans aside to create an opening, exposing Bertholdt and Eren in the process. Erwin draws his sword and announces an advance, but his arm is caught by a Titan. As the Titan carries Erwin away, he continues to order the Scouts to advance and rescue Eren.

"We need to distract Bertholdt." Armin whispers to you. "Annie." Armin looks at you in surprise. "Mention Annie." You sigh in defeat. You never thought you'd betray Berhtoldt like this but you had no choice as he wasn't giving up Eren.

Armin approaches Bertholdt, wondering to himself what he must sacrifice to resolve the situation. Recalling Bertholdt's affection for Annie, Armin formulates a cruel bluff. He asks the Warriors if they are willing to abandon Annie, who he claims has been taken to Utopia District in the far north to be tortured. He pries further, claiming that Annie is enduring every kind of suffering imaginable since her capture. Bertholdt snaps, calling Armin a "spawn of the devil," but when he is exposed Eren's bonds are cut loose when Erwin, missing his arm, delivers a strike to Bertholdt's chest.

When Eren is rescued, the Scouts immediately retreat. Historia kills a Titan overpowering Ymir's, and Connie catches her in their retreat. As Ymir follows, Historia urges him to let her go, saying that she and Ymir must go with Reiner and Bertholdt for Ymir's sake. Sasha believes that Ymir must be lying, and Connie agrees, saying that Ymir has only ever acted when Historia's safety was at risk.

Suddenly, a Titan soaring overhead crashes ahead of the Scouts. In the distance, Reiner throws Titans at the soldiers in a last resort attack, and Eren and Mikasa are dismounted in the chaos. Mikasa attempts to stand, but her injury is worsened from the sudden attack.

It all went downhill after that, as Reiner continued to throw titans, Hannes was killed. You and Jean did your best to save him but, something strange happened.

As Eren's hand finally heals, he lets out a scream as he swings his fist into the hand of the smiling Titan. Suddenly, Reiner, Bertholdt, and Ymir feel a surge of power emanating. As Eren screams, a newfound power comes forth and a Titan tackles the smiling Titan. The other Titans nearby redirect their attention from the Scouts to the smiling Titan, charging and swarming it before tearing its body to pieces.

You all stare frozen at what just happened, and at that moment Jean looked at you and wondered if he could save you from all of this. 

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