Chapter 16: The future is far away

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It was night time when they just barely arrived at the Mathers territory where Otto's ground dragon stopped. Subaru and the other knights all asked what was wrong to which Otto looked at the ground dragon for a moment before explaining to them that the ground dragon detects danger up ahead.

"Then I guess the rest is up to us. Thank you Otto, you can keep the rest of the money."

"N-Now hold on you four! It is dangerous to be out here, even for knights!"

"That's what us knights are all about, fighting danger to protect the others."

"W-What? N-No, wait!"

Otto tried to stop them yet Subaru, Yabuto, Kishida, and Waraki all four continued on into the forest, determined to find out if everyone was alright. Along the way, the four noticed that it was too quiet which made all of them pull out their swords out of safety. As the four enter the forest, they realise that they are surrounded by a group of people in dark robes.

"Witch cultist!" Waraki spoke out with anger inside of him, causing the other knights alongside Subaru to stand in guard with their swords up and ready for a battle. Before the witch cultist could do anything, heartless randomly appeared in front of everybody to attack them all.

Subaru and his group held the heartless on their own while the witch cultist left them, leaving Waraki confused by this since they wouldn't just leave. The four all managed to push back the heartless, barely managing to hold their own. After they took down the shadow heartless, Subaru led the knights towards the mansion with the four worried for what may have happened to Sora and the others.

Please be safe everybody...I don't want any of you to die...

"Don't worry newbie, we will make it in time to save everyone."

"Yes Subaru, don't lose hope. Yabuto, Kishida, and I are here to lend you a hand."

"Thank you guys. Alright then, let's go!"

Subaru and the three knights all kept running and running all night, encountering a swarm of heartless and witch cultists along the way. Subaru and Yabuto took on the heartless together while Kishida and Waraki took on any witch cultist that attacked the four. As the four were managing to hold their own, a giant Darkside heartless appeared to attack everybody.

The witch cultists were all preparing to leave yet the darkside managed to defeat them all with a few strikes. Seeing this forced the four to work together in an attempt to take out the giant heartless with Subaru realizing that he must rely on his sword skills since he can't summon magic without his keyblade.

"Don't worry Subaru, Yabuto and I will take it out, you and Waraki focus on distracting the damn thing."

Subaru nodded and quickly followed Waraki in attacking the Darkside's legs to get its attention while Yabuto and Kishida both prepared to attack the Darkside heartless with everything they got. The Darkside heartless felt the attacks of both Subaru and Waraki, forcing the heartless to turn towards the duo for a bit to attack them only to be attacked by both Yabuto and Kishida.

The heartless took a couple of hits before turning its attention at the other duo, wanting to respond back to the attacks it had received yet Subaru and Waraki returned to distract the giant. They kept doing this for a while until finally Yabuto and Kishida were both able to land the finishing blow, allowing them to take the win.

"That giant was an interesting opponent but it didn't stand a chance against the four of us."

"Agreed but we should hurry, I fear the worst for the Emilia camp."

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