Chapter 78: Odds stacked against you

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Garfiel charged at Ansem and started to give it his very best, knowing that he can't hold back any of his strength unless he wants to end up dead.

As he was throwing every attack he could think of, Otto continued to watch from a distance as he was doing his best formulate a counter to Ansem.

'Unlike the previous one, this one's a lot dangerous.  He has techniques and abilities that can easily kill us if we aren't careful.  He's also very fast, I can tell that Garfiel-san is just barely able to keep up.  Man, this is just the worst kind of luck.'

With these thoughts in the merchant's mind, he looked carefully at the way Ansem was fighting, seeing that he isn't one to rush in.

He noticed that the Organization member was very smart, calculative.  Garfiel continued to swing everything he had in him, trying to land a hit yet the Organization member continued to dodge each attack with ease.

"Is this the best you got?"

"Don't underestimate me, ya bastard!"

Garfiel's desire to win increased with each swing of his fist, prompting his strength and speed to slowly start increasing.

Ansem took note of this development, knowing that eventually the demi human boy will catch up to his strength and speed if this continued.

He continued to dodge for a bit until he saw an opening for the briefest of seconds.

This was all Ansem needed to turn the fight from being on an easy defense into an easy offense.  He landed a strong backhanded punch to the demi human's left side of his head, causing him to start bleeding from his left side.


As Garfiel shouted in pain, Ansem attempted to try and land another hit on the demi human boy only to feel his feet suddenly shake.  This second distraction was all Garfiel needed to start attacking the Organization member once again.

Ansem created a dark barrier around himself as he figured that the merchant was preparing to attack from a distance.

'I'll eliminate the brains, then eliminate the brute.'

With this plan made by Ansem, he teleported out of the barrier of darkness just has it was destroyed by one of Garfiel's most powerful attacks.

The demi human boy was caught off guard by this and quickly started to look around to see where Ansem went.

Otto had noticed this as well and before he could act, he realized that the Organization member had teleported behind him.

'Oh no!'

"Take this!"

Ansem's about to eliminate Otto by slicing him up only for Garfiel to use his divine protection to save his best friend.

He had smashed the ground hard and fast enough for the ground underneath Otto to push him high up, away from Ansem's range of kill.

The seeker of darkness looked up and was prepared to shoot a dark ball at the merchant only for Garfiel to quickly charge at him, preparing his right arm for a powerful punch.

This prompted the Organization member to turn his attention towards the demi human boy, firing the powerful dark ball at him.

Garfiel noticed this and quickly used his full strength to punch away the dark ball.  Once this was successful, the Shield of Sanctuary uses his other arm to punch Ansem himself.

The Organization member created a powerful barrier to block off the demi human boy's hit.  As Garfiel's right fist hit the barrier, the Shield of Sanctuary smiled as he moved his right arm back.

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