Chapter 47: Backed into a corner

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A day before the witch cult attack, Emilia was walking around with Rem as her personal assistant. The two have had a decent friendship yet Emilia could tell that something was wrong with her maid friend.

"Rem-chan, what seems to be the problem?"

"Sorry Emilia...I've just been trying to regain my past but every time I try, I receive a headache."

"Don't force yourself, it's not good to self-harm."

"Apologies, I'm just eager to remember my past."

Emilia nods in understanding since back during the events of the Sanctuary, she had a past she had forgotten because of the contract with Puck. Due to this contract, she never knew the events that had caused everyone in elior forest to be frozen yet now knowing made her more motivated to win the royal selection. She patted Rem in the back and tried to reassure her,

"Sora and Subaru are both working hard to get your memories back, I promise that they will succeed."

Rem looked at the half-elf and could see just how much confidence she has for both Sora and Subaru. She looked forward and continued to ponder on how things were with Sora and her prior to her memories being erased be everyone except him and Subaru.

"I know that I care for Sora a lot, considering that he saved my life by awakening me and saved my life when the heartless attacked Otto's village and I was in real danger you know how much he cared for me prior to having lost my memories?"

"...I'm not sure but he cared a lot to have wanted to wake you up. He along with Subaru vowed to wake you up and seeing that Sora did it, they are going to now get your memories back."

Rem nodded and had a smile on her face, finding it joyful and happy that someone has been fighting for from the beginning. As they were walking for a bit longer, Emilia and someone underneath white robes bumped into each other.



The two got up with Rem asking Emilia if she was alright before turning towards the one in robes to ask if he was alright.

"This time, I was the careless one. After all, I was a little distracted by you."

"Distracted?" Rem asked curiously.

"This miss that I just bumped into has the silver hair of a beautiful girl, doesn't she. A girl I once wanted to marry had the same hair. Remembering that hair, I didn't avoid you in time."

Rem looked at the man and could smell something off from him, similar to Subaru yet she could tell that he is someone to keep away from Emilia. She quickly looked at the man and bowed to him before saying,

"Forgive us but we have to get going, right Emilia-sama?"

"What? Wait but Rem-"

Rem quickly pulled Emilia away from the scene which surprised her yet the man looked at Emilia and was stunned by her beauty. He stood silent for a moment before speaking to himself.

"I see. Now I understand the meaning. I went out of my way to come here. If it had been for nothing then I couldn't let it go as if nothing had happened. Since this is a special reward, this is another matter."

The words themselves were mild, but the voice which had announced them was feverishly sticky. It was as though the feeling had been cooked in a sticky pot, and then had been left out under the sun and the moon. The feeling held that kind of unpleasantness.

"I will never let go of anything I own, and I want what I own to be perfectly suited for me. Since I am perfect, I have to be continually satisfied. So, feeling a vacancy would, of course, be unsatisfying."

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