Chapter 7: Little Bird

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            Marcus and I strolled in the garden everyday at noon. He never missed our time together. He even made it very clear to Aro that if he so wished it, he could continue court without his presence. Aro was certainly not pleased by this...but what could be done to change the mind of his brother and ex-in law?

As Marcus had promised, I could ask him anything and everything about vampires. So far, I know that they do not eat, sleep, and only drink blood. Human blood is a must, because it is better for vampires when using their strength, plus animal blood supposedly tastes horrid.

"Why does your skin glimmer like this when you're in the sun? Don't you feel weak, or won't you burn in the sunlight?" I ask as I admire Marcus's beautiful, shimmering flesh.

Marcus chuckles with a light shake of his head. "No, mio caro. We do not burn or are weakened by the sun...those are myths that the Volturi created to keep our existence hidden. However, our skin does become iridescent because the UV rays irritates the venom in our flesh, causing this diamond like effect."

I bring my free hand to Marcus's hardened skin. My fingers brush against his cheek in awe of this extraordinary phenomenon. "How they could call you a monster, I have no clue..." I sigh.

Marcus smiles at me, leaning down closer to meet my gaze. "However monstrous they may believe me to be, I know that with you by my side, I am anything but." He pecks my hairline. Vampires' bodies are supposed to be hard and cold, but Marcus's kisses are always soft, and his lips are always warm.

Marcus and I finished our stroll and went straight to our room. I usually have a nap around this time, so that when Marcus is done with trials and other courtly duties, I am wide awake and able to indulge in him for however long I have him. Though, now my feelings have grown deeper for Marcus, I couldn't understand the dissatisfaction I had. Well...actually, I could.

Laying in bed, Marcus plays with my black strands of hair. "Do you find so much amusement, twirling my hair around your fingers?" I giggle, watching as he meets my focus.

"Yes, but it is the woman in front of me that I cannot believe is truly mine." His hand cups my face. Suddenly, his fingers begin to trail to my jaw, then to my neck. His cool digits trace down my shoulder to my arm. I couldn't help but moan softly at his sensual touch.

"Marcus..." I breathe, shifting myself closer to his body. I bring my face to his, and just as my lips hover over his, his gaze shifts away from me. He sits at the edge of the bed, quietly. "Marcus?" I sit up with him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "What's wrong?"

Marcus just shakes his head with a bitter smile. "Nothing, Tesoro. I am going to go meet with my brother's now." Marcus turns to kiss my forehead. "Rest, and I will be back when you wake."

I pull on his sleeve. "A-already? But we just..." With a sigh, I look away from him. "It's fine." I say with my own bitter smile.

Marcus brushes his fingers against my cheek, then flits from the room. Once again, leaving me alone.

I hate being left alone in Marcus's and my room. There was nothing I could do...and I always felt incredibly uncomfortable with Didyme's portrait still hanging in the main room. It made me feel strangely guilty. I know that Marcus has been widowed for over a thousand years...but he loved her and wasn't able to stop mourning her. Even if I am here, how do I compare? Didyme is gorgeous. She must have been so incredibly smart and kind. What do I have to offer? Shaking away the negative thoughts, I leave our room. I don't usually leave unattended because there are often newborns wandering the castle. Another thing Marcus had taught me. Newborns are newly turned vampires. They have crazy strength, but even crazier I must ensure that I don't run into any of them.

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