Chapter 3: Revelations

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            Felix and I stood before two large doors. They were much bigger than the ones we had entered before...though, I'm not familiar with the castle, so I may be in the same place I was earlier. I'm quickly proven wrong when Felix pushes open the heavy entrance. A grand and circular room filled with natural light from the dome above. It resembled very much like the dark and cold space I had first arrived in, but it looked a lot better. The room is white with pillars lining the walls. The floor wasn't laid in stone like the one before, but beautiful white marble. The skylight above, wasn't small, but so large that it covered the entire ceiling. Finally, facing the doors, a dais, much higher, had three thrones—though they were more magnificent than the ones I had originally seen. The layout between the rooms were so similar, but drastically contrasted the other.

"Ah, dear Carena. I hope you were able to rest well during this time." The voice of Aro chimed, causing me to look at him directly. "We have much to discuss! Please, take a seat." Aro gestures to a single chair that is placed in the middle of the room.

"Thank you." I nodded in respect before taking my seat. I could see Aro's pleasure in seeing me so compliant. I wouldn't usually be so timid, but I have no idea where I am, and who these people's best to play it safe for now.

"We have just spoken to Carlisle. He and his coven are on their way—in fact, they should be flying as we speak." Aro announces with his lip still pulled in a grin. "They are going to be arriving around twelve tonight. Carlisle claims to be innocent in regard to your being here. So, the only solution is to have the entire Olympic coven come to Volterra." Aro's head tilts slightly as he finishes.

"But...Bella is the one that gave me the tickets. Wouldn't it have been easier to ask Bella directly?" I still felt confused about the situation...and I was growing slightly nervous as I could feel the multiple red eyes surrounding the room watching me.

"Yes, it would have; however, for Carlisle to be oblivious to the actions and schemes of his coven only makes us question his competence as a leader." Aro explained.

These strange people and their strange terms...first 'mate' now 'coven'. I'm starting to piece things together when I remembered my question to Marcus earlier. I know that he promised to tell me when this whole misunderstanding had been solved...but was that even fair to me? I could see Marcus's eyes assessing the expression on my face, and somehow, I knew that he had realized exactly what I was thinking.

"A coven is a collection of individuals that live or often gather in relation to their interests or religious purposes. Sometimes it is because of similarities shared between them. Most are not related by blood, but by faith, trust, and loyalty." Marcus spoke at a strong volume, but the rumble of his voice made me believe that he wasn't used to speaking so loudly.

I was slightly taken back; the abrupt explanation made a chuckle slip from me. "Are you a mind-reader?"

Marcus grinned for the first time since I've entered the room. "Unfortunately, out of the three...I would not be the one to read minds. Your expressions give away much of your thoughts." Aro and Caius stared at Marcus from their seats. They seemed intrigued by Marcus...though I had no clue as to why. His words weren't much to be amazed by...but it did bring an unsettling heat to my flesh.

"Seems our brother has finally found use for his tongue, now that he has found his mate." Caius scoffed, but the smirk on his face appeared menacing.

"So, it appears..." Aro hummed, bringing his red orbs back to me. "Do tell us, young Carena...what do you know of vampire lore?" Aro's eyes narrowed, making my skin prickle with unease.

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