Chapter 6: Vow

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The air in the room became heavy, as the second largest coven now faced their rulers. The Cullens exchanged unsettling looks, before Alice stepped forward to defend her adopted father's naivety.

            "We were not scheming! When I had the vision of Carena, I immediately told Bella. We just wanted to make both Carena and Marcus happy. There was no need to bring anyone into it." Alice spoke with confidence in her choice.

            "Then, you haven't thought about the benefits to finding Marcus's mate? Plotting to use this act of 'kindness' against us?" Aro tilted his head, as he watched Alice stiffen.

            "No, whatever you think, Alice and I were only trying to help—" Bella began to defend both her and her sister, but Aro had reappeared before her and pulled her to the floor.

            "I know what I saw! Do not take me as a fool, Isabella." Aro seethed as he had Bella's head pressed against the hard floor.

            "Get away from her!" Edward tried to advance, but Emmett and Carlisle restrained him with stern looks. Of course, they worried about Bella, but if Edward attempted anything more...the Cullen family would meet their end.

            "Dear Edward, it appears as though you do not know your mate so well. According to dear Alice, her and Isabella were planning to accuse the Volturi of breaking our own laws of allowing a human to know of our existence without turning them. Though, it seems you two were not so clever." Aro jerked Bella away, her body sliding back to her coven, as Edward scrambled to pick her up.

            "Aro, even if Alice and Bella conspired such a plan, nothing has come of it. They have learned their lesson, and I will be sure to reprimand them properly." Carlisle tried to reason, but Aro only clicked his tongue in displeasure.

            "Carlisle, I should give you fair warning. To defy my judgment when the evidence clearly shows that these two members of your coven have attempted to commit treason, will only make you just as guilty. I have overlooked many things, but the Olympic coven will not twist their way out this time." Aro and Carlisle narrowed their eyes. Everyone stood in complete silence...the guards were readying for a command, and the Cullens braced to fight.

            "Then, what if we are pardoned by the ones involved?" Esme attempted to speak with a leveled voice, but she appeared frightened with the sudden confrontation.

            "Pardoned? Your family has been given too many chances—" Caius barked, but was quickly silenced with a single gesture given by Aro.

            "And who are you referring to?" Aro's brows slightly raised in curiosity, seeing as Esme rarely ever spoke so openly in their presence.

            "Marcus and Carena. Would it be enough for them to make the final judgment since they were the most affected?" Esme offered with Carlisle rubbing her back in support.

            Aro looked towards us and gave a light nod. With that Marcus directed his attention towards me, though I wanted to continue ignoring him because I was still upset by his earlier treatment. "Carena." Marcus offered for me to speak first, but to be honest I felt conflicted. If what Aro said was right...then Bella, whom I thought was being a friend, was actually using me as a pawn. But even so...she helped me find Marcus—even if I am upset with him now, I'm sure we will move past it.

            I moved from my spot and approached Aro's throne, meeting his curious ruby eyes. "What exactly did you see in Alice's thoughts?"

            Aro smiled tightly. "Alice and Isabella discussed the possibility of accusing the Volturi of breaking the law of secrecy. They sent you here as a sacrifice to stir trouble and attempt for us to meet our demise. If they had succeeded, surely you, being Marcus's mate would be killed during this conflict."

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