Chapter 17: Drunken Love.

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       "Hello, I am Eleazar. You must be Carena."

I stare at the golden eyed vampire of the Denali coven. His short dark brown hair curls slightly at their ends and despite the paleness of his skin, he has almost a bronze-like tone. "Yes...thank you for coming." I say with a smile.

"Not at all. Aro often asks me to come when he needs confirmation on what gifts his guards carry."

"So...are you actually a Volturi member?" I squint.

Eleazar shakes his head with a chuckle. "I was. But Aro allowed me to leave if I continued to use my gift for the benefit of the Volturi."

"Why did you leave? Or...sorry, that may be too personal."

Eleazar shares a genuine smile. "Don't worry...I left because I found my mate...but she was already in a coven. I couldn't let her go, and Aro understood that." He says thoughtfully. I'm sure he is thinking of his mate right now. "Anyways. I am here to identify if you have a gift. Since your awakening, have you experienced anything new?"

I reach into my thoughts, but nothing seems to stand out. "Not that I am aware of. To be honest, I haven't had much time to really explore the limits of my immortality."

"Understandable. Well, I can see something...just give me a moment." He says with a more serious face. Eleazar stares at me, his face is blank. His eyes shift back and forth as though he is reading something written on my body, and with a light scoff Eleazar finally meets my eyes. "Remarkable."


"I haven't met a memoral before." He says almost happily.

"Memoral? What is that?" I question.

"Aro told me that you have reoccurring flashbacks of your kidnapping. That your mind is often full of memories, but they seem disorganized at times."

I shake my head, not aware that my mind is so jumbled in the eyes of Aro. "Okay...?"

"Forgive better explain, you are able to manipulate memories. Right now, you are unstable because you have no awareness of your gift...which may be why your more traumatic memories keep resurfacing. If you can meditate and try to control your own mind, then you will be able to use your gift to its full extent."

I stumble back. "Manipulate memories. So...does that mean I can make people remember or forget things?"

"Yes. You can fabricate an entire memory—I don't know how powerful your gift is...but it is indeed rare and something to still be amazed by. I'm sure you will have no issues being placed with the elite guards."

I feel stunned by the reveal of my gift. I was almost certain that I wouldn't have one. But I feel...relieved. I guess I don't have to be a guard out of pity, but one with actual purpose. I have come around to the idea of having to stay with the Volturi...and although I would prefer to leave just as Eleazar had, I can't. Eleazar's mate wasn't one of the leaders of the Volturi, but mine is. Eleazar and I head to the throne room to meet with the kings, to confirm my gift—and as much as I am looking forward in moving on, I am not anticipating seeing Marcus.

"Eleazar. Carena! How did it go?" Aro comes down the steps of the dais, his hands ready to grab Eleazar's. Clasping onto the Denali's leader, Aro's face blanks momentarily before he gasps with delight. "A memoral! My dear, Carena, such a wonderful and useful gift."

"If it is so useful, then I wish to be admitted into the guard. I do not care for the ranking." I say, am quickly rejected.

"Absolutely not. My mate will not be among the guard." Marcus spits.

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