Chapter 22: Knot.

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"A trap?" Carena exclaims.

            "Yes...we don't know why Didyme is alive—or what her purpose is. So, we need to come up with a plan...though we don't know how we should start." I say with furrowed brows.

            "Then...use me." She suggests, making my brow crook up.


            "For whatever reason...Didyme wants to continue her relationship with you...perhaps she wants to split us up." Carena deduces.

            "It makes sense, but how will we set her up?" I question.

            "We'll allow her to think that she is driving a wedge between we continue, maybe she will reach out. Whether it be you or me, she will form an alliance with one of us. Once we figure out her angle, then we can move forward."

            "I'm not going to sleep with her." I say firmly.

            She scoffs lightly. "I would hope not. But if she gets suspicious..."

            "No. This body is reserved for you and only you—I will figure out a way to evade when needed."

            With a small smile, Carena reaches up to my face. "I'm so relieved that you haven't abandoned me, Marcus."

            "I wouldn't even consider the thought, Tesoro." I sigh against her lips. "I've lost you once—I have sworn to never allow such a mistake again." I finally kiss her.

            Since then, there have been a few interesting events. Carena came up with the plan to become a guard. This choice would incite a heated debate between me and her—alerting any spies or gossip that would travel to Didyme. As a result, I would take Carena to my office and ravish her in a heated frenzy—creating more gossip. And intentionally, Felix had walked in to 'accidentally' witness our lovemaking. Felix was instructed to keep his eyes at the level of mine and to never look elsewhere—if his eyes wandered to any exposed part of Carena, he would be severely punished. Although an act, I suppose I did partially act out of possessiveness towards my mate and though, knowing that Felix has no such intention, I still wanted to make clear that my mate is mine and mine alone. Carena was nervous, and a bit embarrassed to have another person in the room, but I could feel her excitement at the same time—the thrill of the subtle humiliating making her tighter around me. And I know she wanted to spite me when she reached towards the guard with her lewd cries. I have to admit, Carena knows how to put me on the edge when she wants to. I love that about her.

            Carena POV

            "She wants to overthrow the Volturi."

            Aro's eyes widen. "What?"

            "She'll have to fight all of us." Caius sneers.

            "Did she say anything else?" Marcus questions.

            I shake my head. "She said that she wants revenge for Aro forcing her to turn."

            "I never forced Didyme to do anything—this woman is a liar!" Aro growls.

            "Calm brother...she was probably trying to earn Carena's favour by spinning tales." Marcus offers, searching his own thoughts.

            "Regardless...I think she has plans—but our focus should be to force her hand." I state.

            "Force her hand? How?" Caius leans forward, intrigue on his face.

            "My mate will have to die." I glance over to Marcus, his brow cocking with curiosity.

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