A long ride

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*Nick's POV*

"Somebody call a bus!" I yelled. I heard somebody call an ambulance. Before I could help her sit down, she fell to the ground. I got onto my knees and checked for a pulse. It was very light. I was shaking her and telling her to stay with me, when the rest of the squad walked in. They had went to get coffee together.

My partner, Olivia benson, rushed down beside me and asked what happened.

"To be honest, I don't really know. She tapped me on the back and gave me a note, then she passed out." I replied.

"She looks like she has been beaten and starved" Olivia stated.

We stared at each other for a moment and then the EMT's arrived. They picked her up and placed her on a gurney. They brought her outside to the ambulance. "Captain, can i ride with her down to the hospital?" I asked Captain Donald Cragen.

" Yes you can, this is 'unofficially' our case. I will call it in later. Rollins, Finn, and Benson, meet them down at the hospital. " He replied.

I hopped into the back of the ambulance. "She has a light pulse." One of the EMT's stated. I crossed my arms and prayed that she will be okay and will be able to give us some answers. The other EMT placed a breathing mask on her mouth and nose.
"What happened to her?" The EMT asked.

"I really don't know, we need to talk to her when she is awake" I replied.

"We're losing her!" the other MET screeched.

We pulled up to the hospital and they rushed her in. It wasn't hard to keep up with them since I can run, but they were rushing her in. Which got me very nervous about her survival. They rushed her into emergency surgery. I went to the waiting room where the whole SVU squad was. Amanda Rollins and her partner Odafin Tutuola (Fin), and my partner Olivia Benson.

" Did u read the note that she gave you?" Olivia asked me.

"No, why?" I asked.

"See for your self." She said nervously. I took the letter and unfolded it's four sides. I couldn't believe what I was reading.

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