The letter

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*Nick's POV*

I can't believe what I am reading. The letter read...

" Hello, if you are reading this right now, that means my plan worked. I sent my daughter, Katy in to give an SVU detective this. Katy is very intelligent. She is in all of the high classes for the sixth grade. She is only 12 and has a long life ahead of her. To send her in there was the hardest decision of my life. I love her very much. I can not say the same for her father. He abuses her so much, I don't believe she was ever sexually hurt, but she has been tortured for the past year. She used to only be slapped, but one day she tried to run away during school, and that's when she was most abused. She had to leave the 6th grade, she should be in the 7th now, but she isn't. I tried to divorce my abusive husband when she was five, but that made him start hurting her too. Please help and save her. He will probably kill me for this but as long as my baby is safe, that is fine. I need a very well trained detective to adopt my baby for me. It is the only way she will be safe, to live with an armed and trained detective. I know she is in bad shape, but I can not afford to bring her to the hospital. Please help her. She is my everything. Or was my everything. She deserves to be safe, and her father deserves to rot in hell and suffer death, but I know that won't happen so I did this. Please save and help her. Thank you.
Katy's Mommy. "

"This poor child has been suffering way to long. I want this guy." I said to the squad in the waiting room.

"That is what I was thinking. But how?" Fin asked.

"We wait for her to wake up and talk, but we need to be kind and gentle after all she has been through." Olivia answered.

"Definitely, so... are one of us going to take care of 'Katy'?" Rollins asked.

"Maybe, I'll ask captain later. I have a spare room, I wouldn't mind." I said as the doctor walked in.

" She is still asleep and she is very drugged up, she probably won't wake up for a while, you guys can go in and see her or you guys can go home, it's up to you. She is in room 86." The doctor said and walked away.

" You guys can go home if you want, but I am going to stay a little while longer." I said.

" Okay, we are going to go back to the precinct. If we find anything we will call you." Olivia said as she patted my shoulder and walked out. The rest followed.

I went to room 86 and saw Katy's small, fragile, bruised body laying on the hospital bed. She didn't look healthy at all. She had bruises on her legs and arms, lacerations on her wrists and ankles, cuts that had stitches on her eyebrow and forehead, her arm was in a sling, her knee was wrapped up, and 4 broken ribs. I sat next to her hospital bed in a pink leather chair dazed off, wondering what's going to happen to Katy and if we are ever going to catch he cruel father. I would like to beat the living shit out of him right now, and I haven't met him yet.

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