The Movie

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(Katy's POV*)

Munch was really a nice man. i am sitting in the back of Nick's car driving back to his house. I am not the happiest today. I mean, I just saw my mother on a table, her body cold as ice. She was killed by my father and nobody can find him. I keep thinking about what munch had said, "We will catch this guy. And we do, he will pay. He will never see the light of day, ever again, after we catch him of course."

When we arrived at Nick's house, i followed him into his house. Him and the captain both agreed that i can stay with him until the case is over. When we got inside, Nick ordered pizza. We ate it in his living room. We both finished eating and he washed the plates. I sat on the couch and he turned off the lights. He then sat next to me and played the movie "Grown ups 2". We both watched and laughed at all the funny things that adm sandler would say and do.

I slowly dozed off and then would be woken by Nick laughing hysterically. Then i fell completely asleep. I could still hear the people talking but i could'nt open my eyes to watch the movie. At the end of the movie, theme music played and the i heard the music being turned off, and so was the TV.

I felt nick tapping my shoulder to try and wake me, but i just couldn't answer. I kept my eyes closed, i am so tired. He could tell I'm alive because i breath really heavy. In about 30 seconds, i felt my body being lifted of the couch. Nick picked me up off the couch and was carrying me to the guest room bed in a cradle position. He layed me in the bed, covered me up and moved the hair out of my face. He turned the lights off and left the room.

(in the morning)

When I wake up, i can hear the shower running. I got out of bed, and looked in Nick's room, he wasn't in bed. He must be in the shower. When i walked out into the kitchen, Munch was sitting at the table. I was still in my new pair of blue pajama's from when i fell asleep last night. "Hello sweetheart." he said.

"Morning." I replied with a nod.

 "How did you sleep?" He asked me

"Good." I said smiling.

"Yea, I know you slept good, you fell asleep on the couch and i had to carry you to bed." Nick interrupted. I didn't even notice he was out of the shower. He was in grey sweatpants and a white muscle shirt. He shook out his hair and sprinkled water everywhere.

"Sorry, the lights were out and i was tired." I said with a laugh.

"I know, its not a big deal. I didn't hurt my back." He said sarcastically. "I mean, come on, you way all of 85 pounds." He and Munch laughed. I nodded and smiled.

"Well, I was thinking we can let Nick and Olivia go do some work and you and I can also do work. I was thinking we can go investigate." Munch said breaking the laughter.

"Umm, okay? How." I asked raising one eyebrow.

"Well, try to remember any place you used to go, or ever went. If you remember, Fin, you and I will go and see if the place has any clues." He said. I nodded.

Munch and Nick talked as I got ready to go with Munch. Munch brought me a pair of his ex-wifes sweatshirts and sweatpants to where. He told me she was really tiny. When I was ready, Nick left in his car, and Munch and I went to pick Fin up at his hotel.

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