The Interrogation

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*Nick's POV*

When we arrived at the precinct, I opened the back car door and helped her out of the car. She still had her arm in a sling and 3 ace bandages wrapped around her rib cage. She walked fine, sort of like she was never hurt. I would say that her face and her abdomen were the worst. they were very bruised. I am shocked that she can walk so well after all she has been through. I helped her up the stairs and led her to the interrogation room.

"Katy, I know it is going to be hard to answer the questions, But please, answer them. You don't have to be scared anymore. My partners and I aren't going to let who ever did this to you hurt you ever again. I promise." I told her.

"Okay." She answered.

"Okay well my partners Olivia and Rollins are going to interview you now." I replied. She nodded. I left the interrogation room. Olivia, Rollins, Fin, Captain, the ADA Rafael Barba and I stood watching Katy through the one way mirror.

"After all she has been through, go easy on her." I said to Rollins and Olivia as they walked in to the interrogation room.

(*in the interrogation room*)

"Hello Katy, some bruises you got there." Olivia said.

"Yea, how did you get those? " Rollins added.

"I fell down the stairs." Katy answered.

"Okay Katy don't lie, we have your mother's letter to us. We know what your father did to you. You went through hell there. But you can not lie to the police." Rollins said.

"He'll kill me." Katy replied.

"Nobody will hurt you as long as we can help it, now just answer the question!" Rollins said raising her voice. Katy looked away and started crying. It was more like a silent cry. She had tears coming down her face. Olivia and Rollins looked at each other. I knew they did not want to be doing this, but they were being forced.

"Answer the question!!" Olivia yelled.

"My dad, my dad, my dad, my dad, my dad did this to me. He beat me up. He is going to kill her. He is going to kill my mom." Katy started to cry very hard.

(*outside of the interrogation room*)

"captain, can I please go in there? She trusts me. " I asked.

"Nick, we need to get answers other than 'her dad'. And you know when you go in there, you're going to be sweet and nice, and she won't answer." captain answered.

"Nick is right. I think she will talk to
nick, and i will go in there too, just to make sure he does get the answers we need." Rafael Barba said. The captain sighed.

"Okay,but if I see that you aren't getting the answers, I am pulling you out." captain replied.

"Okay." I said as Rafael and I walked into the interrogation room. "Rollins, Liv, that's enough." i said looking at Katy who is still crying. I walked over to Katy and knelt down in front of her. She had her good arm's hand over her mouth. " Hey, hey, hey, it's okay. I know you didn't want to answer that, but it will help us catch this guy. Okay? Who ever this guy is, we are going to catch him. Don't worry. You are safe." I said trying to calm her down. She shook her head trying to say no.

"He is going to kill her." she said still crying.

"Who? Who is he going to kill?" I asked trying to get her to stop crying.

"My mom, He is going to kill my mom." she said as her eyes were turning red.

"If you tell us who your father is, we won't let him hurt her." Rafael said also trying to calm her down. She calmed down a little, but was still crying. she turned back to facing the table.

"He never told me their real names." she said calming down.

"Do you think if we let you talk to a sketch artist, you can describe him?" Rafael asked kneeling on the other side of her.

"Yea, definitely." She said as she stopped crying.

"Okay, good. now I am going to give you a letter that you had when you walked in here. Can you tell me whats true and whats not?" I asked her. She nodded and took the letter.

"Ummm, i'm 12, i was in school until i was taken out in 6 grade. we were abused a lot. This is all true." she paused. "Except.... i was raped every time she was not around." she said hesitantly. I looked over to Rafael who looked like he was about to start crying when he heard that. And i don't blame him at all. She looked like she was going to start crying again.

"Okay, You did great. How about you and I go and get some lunch." I stated more than asked. She nodded. "Okay, good, Rafael, you want to join?"

"Ummm, sure." He answered. I helped her up and we left the interrogation room. When we saw Rollins and Olivia, Katy would not make eye contact as we walked by them. I felt bad because they litterally scared the shit out of her. Olivia and Rollins walked over to us and Olivia knelt down beside her and said that she is sorry that she was being so mean, and that she was told to. Rollins agreed.

"It's okay. You were just doing your job." katy replied so sweetly. Katy, Rafael and I went to my car and left for lunch.

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