Rosalie Dawson

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A:N: Hey all. Something different in this chapter. I've reread the fic and I want it to have more depth. Have better meaning. I hope you like it.

TW Ahead: Rape

"Rose, Dear. Come downstairs, you have a visitor."

Rosalie Dawson checked her reflection one last time, her baby blue eyes staring back at her. Her long,blonde hair cascading down her back. She had a beautiful figure and was the envy of many young girls in town. Especially since catching the eye of the most well known Bachelor in town who had the intentions to marry her. Royce King.

Rosalie checked that her face was perfect and her dress in pristine condition.

With one last look, Rosalie descended down the stairs to greet her visitor. She plastered what she hoped was a smile on her face when she saw Royce in the doorway. He wore a smirk and mock bowed when he saw her. He really did infuriate her sometimes.

"Rosalie, how nice is it of Royce, he's come to fetch you for an outing with him and his friends."

Rosalie's mum, Violet said. Her face lit up. She was besotted with Royce. He always knew how to turn up the charm when around her mother. Violet also loved the money that came along with Rosalie being married to Royce.

"Yes, so come along Rose. We cant be late." Royce said, dominating over her yet again.

Rosalie grit her teeth but smiled back nonetheless.

"Yes dear, best not to keep Royce's friends waiting." Violet said as she fretted and straightened Rosalie's outfit and critiqued her makeup.

The day passed fairly slow. Rosalie was honest with herself a long time ago. Men did not do it for her. At all. This arrangement with Royce benefited her family as they needed the financial help. But it broke Rosalie's heart that she could not live the life she wanted. With who she wanted.

"Royce, I'm going to Vera. We had plans to go to the Pictures today. A new feature has come out." Rosalie said looking at him lounging on his couch with one of his chums, whiskey in both of their hands. Their words were slurring, speaking about the latest explicit magazine that had come out recently, no doubt.

Royce looked up at Rosalie, he had a nasty gleam in his eye, she did not like it one bit.

"Very well, get out." He slurred over his words, but said it nonchalantly anyway.

Rosalie hated the way he spoke to her, like filth. At times, she felt like running away from it all.

"I will see you later then. Evening Gentlemen. " Rosalie nodded to Royce's companions who were in no better shape than Royce and barely acknowledged her existence.

Vera opened the door to Rosalie with a smile on her face. Her dark brown hair and beautiful brown eyes made her look exotic. She had a beautiful body with curves in all the bright places. She had a heart of gold. And it belonged to Rosalie.

Rosalie was in love with Vera and had been since they were scholars. Vera returned her affections but was scared of the consequences. They would be shunned and most probably killed. Same Sex relationships were taboo.

Rosalie peered around and pushed Vera inside and shut the door behind her before claiming Vera's lips in a battle of dominance. Rosalie always won.

Hours later after their love making, Vera rolled over and looked at Rosalie. She was the most beautiful person Vera had ever laid her eyes on.

"I wish I could marry you." Vera whispered against Rosalie's neck.

Rosalie could feel moisture from Vera's tears on her neck and Rosalie closed her eyes in agony. She longed to marry the woman she loved. She longed for it so badly that at times she could hardly breathe.

"You know we cannot, my love. Oh, how I wish we could." Rosalie whispered back and pulled Vera's chin up to make her reach Rosalie's eyes with her own.

"We should run away." Vera said, her eyes looking hopeful.

"He would find me. You know this." Rosalie said, her voice breaking.

Rosalie and Vera spent the next few hours with eachother, knowing it was goodbye without saying it. Rosalie memorised her love's body and every noise she made and stored it in her memory for the years to come.

Vera saw Rosalie out, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I will always love you, Rosalie Dawson. For as long as I live. May we meet again."

Rosalie had a lump in her throat and couldn't say anything.

She left with one last look at Vera who was by the window, crying and mouthing I love you over and over.

Rosalie looked ahead and started her way home.

Rosalie knew she would never love anyway as she loved her Vera. She was the only thing that got Rosalie out of bed. All the years of stolen looks, subtle touches and last year, they kissed. It was like heaven was on Vera's lips.

Her heart felt like it was in a million pieces and she had no strength to gather it all up.

"Hey Rosalie! Get here!"

Rosalie's blood went cold and the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. Royce.

He wasn't alone. He was with his chums from earlier, in a dark alley around a trashcan, alcohol in hand.

"I said come here!"

Rosalie walked tentatively towards him, she gagged inwardly at the odour all of them produced.

"Royce, I will see you at home. Sober. "

Royce's face turned ugly in anger, his teeth pulled back in a sneer.

The slap came out of nowhere. Although, Rosalie sensed she wasnt about to leave this encounter unscathed.

It knocked her on the floor. His friends howled in laughter. Which edged him on.

"You, bitch. You do not tell me what to do. I tell you what to do. " Royce sneered, his hand lifting and smacking across her temple. Rosalie's vision blurred.

"My boys here want to have some fun. And I'm gonna let them " Royce laughed manically.

Rosalie tried to get up but before she could, Royce aimed a kick at her ribcage.

Rosalie gasped for air, her vision still blurry from the earlier hit.

Then they pounced.

Her dress was torn apart, Rosalie whimpered in pain and disorientation. She battled to fight back but 7 men against 1 woman was a battle she was never going to win.

All the while, Royce leant against a wall, watching his men assault her. He took a deep drag of his cigarette and grinned evilly. He palmed his crotch. He put his cigarette out against the tar and sauntered forward.

Then it was all black.

Flashback Ended

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