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Bella and Rosalie got back to Rosalie's place at about 7pm that evening.

Bella was exhausted. After their steamy moment, Rosalie fed Bella little finger sandwiches and fruit and after making sure her mate was fed, she laid her down and played with her hair, Bella must have fallen asleep for a bit because she woke up in the car with a blanket around her.

"Hi my loves, did you enjoy your picnic?"Esme asked as she walked around the corner coming from the kitchen, seeming to be cooking something if the delicious smells emitting from the kitchen were saying anything.

"Yes thank you, Mrs Cullen." Bella said shyly, not sure how to act around Rosalie's mother.

Esme walked over to Bella and placed her hands on either side of Bella's face and gently smiled at her,

"It's Esme or mum, no " Mrs Cullen" here. You are family, sweetheart." Esme said softly.

Bella flushed and looked at her feet, while mumbling a shy thank you.

Esme flashed a smile at Rosalie then to Bella before disappearing into the kitchen.

"Come love, let's go to our room." Rosalie said as she grabbed Bella's hand gently, guiding her towards the stairs.

Bella noticed Rosalie called it "their" room. She felt warmth in her stomach at the thought.

"Love, you go shower and I'll lay out some pj's. I'll get you a light dinner since you ate at the picnic." Rosalie said as she pecked Bella on the forehead and went out the door.

Bella stood under the hot faucet, contemplating everything that had happened in such a short amount of time. She knew without a doubt that she loved Rosalie, more than she thought was possible.

She was nervous thinking of the future they'd have. Would she even want kids? Bella had never had a maternal bone in her body but Rosalie was making her rethink that. What would her father say? Finding out she was a lesbian? What would her mom and Phil say? Would they like Rosalie?

Bella's heart started to beat frantically, her legs felt like jelly.

Rosalie must have heard her heart from downstairs and the next thing Bella knew, she was in Rosalie's arms, wrapped in a towel. Rosalie had perched her on the bathroom counter, herself between Bella's legs.

"My love, look at me. Focus. It's alright, it's going to be okay." Rosalie said while staring into Bella's eyes waiting for them to focus on her. Rosalie saw the panic slowly leave Bella's brown eyes.

"Good girl, now tell me what stressed you so much that you had a panic attack?" Rosalie asked gently while drying Bella softly.

"The future." Bella blurted out. Not sure where to even start.

She seemingly didn't have to elaborate as Rosalie seemed to know what she meant.

"Mhm. My love, we have eternity together. Let's take one day at a time." Rosalie said helping Bella get dressed in her pj's.

"Thank you, Rose." Bella said softly, intertwining their hands.

"Let's go watch a movie with the family. You can have your snacks while we watch." Rosalie said as they walked down the stairs. Bella's stomach was in knots, Rosalie's parents and siblings intimidated her.

"Hi there, you must be Bella." A man who Bella knew was Mr Cullen, Rosalie's father. Her was a tall, built man with golden hair and like the rest of the Cullens, striking golden eyes.

"Hi, Mr Cullen." Bella said shyly, trying but failing to pull off a confident facade.

"It's Carlisle, please." Carlisle said gently, hearing the poor young woman's heart beating fiercely.

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