The Introduction

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AN: I want to thank everyone who has read,reviewed,followed and favorited the story. You honestly have no idea how grateful I am.
I'd also like to thank everyone for forgiving my grammar and spelling errors. I'll get there eventually. I've been reading fanfics for about 10 years now and to sit down actually write one of my own is surreal. I realize I've rushed the story a bit and I still need to get down describing things in better detail as well as dialogue,just try bear with me hahaha.
All characters belong to Stephanie Meyer I'm just having some fun.
Chapter 4
Bella's POV
Bella pulled her hand away as if burned.
"I'm so sorry, I wasn't thinking." Bella mumbled hiding her face by looking down at her lap, fiddling with her fingers.
She felt a cool finger lift her chin up and saw Rosalie's face mere inches away from her own.
"Sweetheart, you did nothing wrong. I just haven't got much control around you." She stated while stroking my cheek.
My mind was in turmoil. I had just met this woman and I felt I wanted to jump on her lap and never leave. I had just arrived yesterday and I was drooling after this golden eyed angel. What was wrong with me? I'm going crazy,that's it. You've lost your mind and dads going to book you into a mental ward...
Rosalie as if sensing my inner turmoil, suddenly unbuckled my seat belt and lifted me across the gearbox and on to her lap.
"What you are feeling is very normal. You need me as much as I need you. I promise to explain to you but I need to figure out how to do it so you don't go running for the hills. Now relax." She said firmly while holding me in her arms.
Only then did I realize how cold and hard her body was. Her unnatural gold eyes searched mine for something,I have no idea what but she seemed to have found it.
"I've never met you before and I'm currently on your lap. I'm not that kind of girl. I don't throw myself at people I've just met. I don't throw myself at people period."
Rosalie pulled me closer, "I sure hope you don't. You are mine. Your body and soul recognize that."
"I'm my own before I am anyone else's. I'm not your property.I don't even know you." I said furiously,extracting myself from her lap. Without her scent clouding my thoughts, I seemed to think clearly.
Rosalie had a slight pout on her lips,seeming to miss me in her arms.
"Ofcourse you are not my property...I've seemed to have handled this all wrong. My family told me I shouldn't approach you until I could control myself, but you have to understand...I've been waiting for you for what seems like an eternity. You have to understand, please understand." She begged me, her eyes filling with tears that strangely didn't fall.
My heart clenched and a lump formed in my throat, I placed my hand on her cheek,
"I'm not going to lie Rosalie. I have no idea what's going on and I'm scared. But maybe, we can take it slow. We can get to know each other and then you can explain what is happening right now. I'm not a fool, there's something pulling me towards you and it makes no sense but I weirdly enough trust you."
After my little speech,she reached forward and carefully put her arms around me in a gentle hug with her face nestled in my hair.
"Thank you Bella, I- thank you. Just thank you." She mumbled in my hair.
She pulled back and started the car, going towards school.
"You're welcome Rosalie." I smiled at her.
"Would you like to get a coffee with me after school? We can get to know each other. If that's alright?" She looked at me for a second ,seeming uncertain I would say yes.
"Ofcourse, I will just have to let my dad know. But I'm sure it won't be an issue."
She gave me a beaming smile and I swear to god my heart stopped. She was breathtaking. Heaven in human form. I blushed when I realized I must have been staring at her with my mouth open like a moron.
"You have such an endearing blush." She said while staring straight ahead at the road with a sly smirk.
Well that didn't help my flaming face, if anything my face felt so hot, I felt a bit faint.
"So what's Forks High like? Queen Bee's and Neanderthals? Jocks and cheerleaders?" I asked, diverting the conversation from that of my blushing face.
"Oh ofcourse, would you expect nothing else of an average high school?" She said as she laughed. "But sports aren't huge at Forks. The crowd do seem to enjoy going down to La Push for some surfing so I suppose that's Forks High's definition of a school sport."
"And you, do you surf? I asked picturing her out on the waves.
"Uh no, I'm not fond of the beach." She replied with a frown.
Sensing I may of said something wrong, I quickly tried to change the subject,
"Yeah, I uhm, have the balance of a 2 year old child and the coordination of one too. It's a danger me being allowed to walk let alone sports."
She giggled and smiled at me.
"Here's your future hell. Full of jocks and Neanderthals. But do no not fear,mlady,for I am your knight in shining armor."
"Ah the terror. At least I have you by my side to protect me." I teased her.
With a sudden seriousness I never expected, she turned to me and said,
"Always Bella. Always."
Notes: I'm South African so I have no idea if the US highschools are actually like this.
I hope this chapter is okay.

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